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You’re not with Dickwad, are you?

Dickwad was the nickname I’d given my ex. They called him that too.


If he hurts you again, we’re going to jail for murder


We can share a room there too, it’ll be fun

I snorted.

A quick look at the app we used to track each other’s locations made me grimace.

They were only a few minutes from August’s cabin.

I dialed Randa’s number, knowing Viola would be driving. Randa was the slowest driver known to man, and it irritated Vi to no end.

“What the hell is going on?” Vi demanded, when Randa answered. I knew I was on speaker; they always put me on speaker when they were together. I did the same when I was with one of them, too.

“It’s a long story.” I squeezed my eyes shut.

The ache in my body had gotten worse when I got out of the shower. The warmth had, too.

Even more frustratingly, I’d had a hard time not scooting closer to August on the porch. Some insane part of me desperately wanted to touch him.

And apologize to him.

“Tell me it doesn’t involve Dickwad,” Randa said.

“It doesn’t. It does involve supernaturals, though.”

“What kind of supernaturals?”

“Demons and dragons. Mostly, dragons.”

“How did you get involved with dragons?” Vi asked, her voice incredulous. “Actually, scratch that. We’re almost to you. You can tell us in person. Have they hurt you?”

“Dragons don’t hurt people,” Randa countered.

“They haven’t hurt me. They’re kind of… nice.”

“Stay on the phone. We’ll be there in two minutes,” Vi ordered.

My lips curved upward just the tiniest bit at the normalcy of her giving me an order. She was the head chef at a small restaurant in town, and while she didn’t really like her job, she was damn good at it.

I made my way back onto the porch, staying on the phone as I pulled it away from my ear and told Brynn, “My friends tracked me here. They’re only a minute away.”

She laughed. “I have friends like that too. They’ll need to know what’s going on.”

It seemed like a good sign that she wasn’t against me having visitors. And that August wasn’t, either. The heat thing was going to be shitty, but at least I wasn’t actually in prison.

“My brothers are on their way too. They’ll be here in a few hours,” August said.

I couldn’t stop myself from looking at him.

Or from staring just a little too long.
