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The sound of Vi’s SUV’s tires on the dirt ripped my attention back to the road. They parked next to Brynn’s Hummer without pause, and Vi was striding toward me a heartbeat later, fire in her eyes.

Not literal fire, like August’s, but still.

Randa was behind her. Unlike her sister, her gaze was curious.

Reserved, too.

Both of them were tall, natural blondes with light skin. Randa had a full tattoo sleeve on her right arm, made up of colorful floral designs, so it wasn’t difficult to tell them apart, but I didn’t struggle with that anyway. Their personalities and the way they carried themselves were too different to mistake them for each other.

Brynn was looking back and forth between the two of them. “And I thought my brothers looked alike.”

“They’re identical twins.” I hung up my phone and slipped it in my pocket.

Vi reached the stairs that led up to the porch and glared at all three supernaturals sitting on the wooden planks before looking at me.

August stood, and my attention moved back to him.

I couldn’t help it.

He set a hand on my lower back. Because of the fabric separating us, it just felt warm. There was no relief from the tension in my muscles, unfortunately.

Vi looked at me and August as Miranda stepped into place beside her.

He leaned his lips closer to my ear before murmuring, “Don’t give them the details. It’s against dragon law to share information about our mating process with humans. The thunder will punish us if we break it.”

So I had to keep secrets from my best friends.




“What happened?” Randa finally asked, her eyes lingering on me.

I had no idea what I was allowed to say, but figured August would hopefully intervene before I blurted anything I shouldn’t.

“I’m a dragon shifter, and fate has declared Elodie my potential soulmate,” August said, his voice rumbly. The way he said my name made goosebumps break out on my arms. “We won’t find out if the bond is genuine for a few weeks. It’ll either become permanent at that point, or it will break entirely. Until then, she has to remain with me.”

His words were bullshit, but did seem reasonably close enough to the truth for my friends.

Or at least, to what I knew to be the truth.

Which also could’ve been bullshit.

The situation was a mess.

“We’re going to need to hear that from her,” Vi said, her voice flat.

“That’s fine.” August gestured me toward them.

I made my way off the porch, wrapping my arms around my middle as I went. Considering I was wearing the dragon’s clothes, and not wearing a bra or panties, I felt kind of exposed.

Vi started to pull me in for a hug the moment I stepped off the porch, but I held up a hand, wearing a sheepish expression. “He’s got this thing with how I smell.”

I glanced at him over my shoulder, and he dipped his head.

“Is this seriously some kind of mate thing?” Randa asked, her forehead wrinkling. “I thought dragon shifters took their mates to Mate Mountain.”
