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But I didn’t have the heart to ask him to stop. So, the spoiling commenced.

And it was blissful.

We made dinner together again, and went flying after we ate just like we had done the day before.

I enjoyed every single minute of it.

A few more days passed by the same way.

Food, sexy time, work, and flying, all on repeat. We shuffled the order sometimes, but they all had their moment in the sun.

We hadn’t gone further than what we’d currently done, silently capping our sex life at him using his fingers and mouth while I only brought my hands to the table.

It was still incredible.

Even if I wanted more sometimes.

And ached to have actual penis-in-vagina sex.

My friends stopped by for a visit on the fourth or fifth day after the magic set in, but Randa and Vi didn’t stay long. We chatted out in front of the cabin, and Randa and Eli flirted a bit, but heat’s magic pushed me back to August’s side pretty quickly. It was nice to see them, but the pain and warmth that accompanied distance from August was getting worse by the day.

A week and a half had gone by when the heat stopped responding to August’s touch.

I sat down at the kitchen table beside him, pressing the bottoms of my bare feet to the tops of his like always.

Before, it had given me relief from the warmth and pain.

But as I touched them to his, they did nothing for me.

My forehead wrinkled.

My lips curved downward.

I lifted my toes off the tops of his feet, and pressed them back down, trying again.

Still nothing.

If the pain eased at all, I didn’t feel it.

My muscles had passed the aching stage earlier, and my pain became the stabbing kind. The hurt would come in waves, but it always came. And when it did, it was intense.

I sucked in a breath as it hit me hard for a moment.

Taking in air felt difficult.

My heart throbbed in my chest, seeming to clench as the pain deepened.

“You’re hurting.” The concern in August’s voice was unmistakable. He was shirtless, like usual, wearing just a pair of boxers.

“I’m fine.” I forced myself to try to sound chipper. It failed, but I’d figured it was worth a shot.

“Don’t lie to me, Fireball. We’re a team, remember?”

“Alright. Yes, I’m in pain. Putting my feet on yours isn’t helping like it used to.”

August’s forehead knitted in concern. “The magic must be growing stronger.”

“What does it want from us now?”
