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“What?” says Drew, looking between us. “Why are you laughing?”

“I’m laughing,” I say, wiping my tears of mirth out of my eyes, “because you’re an idiot.”

“What? Why?”

“Bailey thought you were asking us to move out,” I say. Bailey nods, still chuckling.

“What? No!” Drew takes her hands again. “I wanted to ask you to move in with me, not move out.”

“Maybe just lead with that next time,” I suggest.

“It would save some time,” agrees Bailey.

“If we’re talking about next time, does that mean yes?” Drew asks. He doesn’t bother to conceal his hope.

I look at Bailey, drumming my fingers on the table like I’m mulling it over.

“What do you think, Ross?” I ask. “Time to make it official?”

“I don’t know,” she says, playing along and drawing it out. “Paying for two extra apartments has its perks.”

“Five bedrooms,” says Drew, jabbing at the paperwork. “Five. Plenty of space to get away if you need privacy.”

I have to give him credit for thinking it through that far ahead. Just because we don’t need privacy from each other right now doesn’t mean we won’t need it someday.

“Or maybe just a couple of home offices,” he says, looking between us. “Considering I’ve gone and fallen for a couple of jobless drifters.”

“Funny,” says Bailey, kicking him under the table. Drew grins.

“Wait till you see the kitchen,” he says. “So is that a yes?” His grin is infectious.

“Why not?” say Bailey. “Coop?”

I shrug, ignoring the sudden burst of butterflies in my stomach. I look at him, and at her, and remember how bleak my life was without them in it. Every cell in my body is ready to tell him yes, but I hold it back, determined to savor this moment.

Drew appears to take my hesitation personally.

“I bet we can talk him into it,” he says to Bailey. Her eyebrows go up.

“What do you have in mind?” she asks. My heart starts to pound as Drew stands up.

“Come on,” he says, heading for the bedroom. “I’ll show you.”

And they do. Over and over again, until late into the night, they make me tell them “yes” until it’s the only word I know, until it loses all its meaning and all that’s left is them and me. Just us.

That’s all that matters anyway.
