Page 105 of Corrupted

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It’s never just that. He’s been manipulating you, Seren said.

I know he’s damaged. I’ve talked to him about his games. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

He’s possessive. You told me yourself.

Seren! I’ve bonded with him, I said. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I love him. Don’t speak of my husband this way. We’re happy.

All right. But there’s something else.

What? An ache formed in my brow, circling my head like a crown. Tension between Seren and me never happened.

I bring news of Sieffre’s people.

A whooshing started in my ears. A heavy pulse. Seren’s words were not laced with glad tidings.

Has someone died? Oh please. Don’t say someone’s dead.

Kenrik’s missing. He’s been missing ever since you left. I didn’t fly by Cynwrig on my way home, or I’d have found out sooner. I learned only hours ago. He saw us flying north the day we left. In his desperation, he followed you. He packed a horse and rode out. Kelyn couldn’t dissuade him. His men couldn’t. King Sieffre said Kenrik punched out a guard.

Oh, Deian.

Tiwlip begged him to wait until spring, Seren said. She assured him you’d return. That you were just upset. She said you loved them enough you’d be back, but Kenrik kept going on about how she didn’t see the misery in your eyes. She didn’t hear how broken you were. He wanted to make things right between you and him. He blamed himself. Even Brenin’s tears didn’t stop Kenrik. He ripped the weeping child off his waist and pushed him into Tiwlip’s arms.

That was five weeks ago! And the snowstorm started shortly afterward. What was he thinking? No. NO. I covered my mouth. Where was he?

They’ve been searching, but it’s slow. Kelyn and his men only go out in the day because of the cold, and they move from village to village, but the snow’s deep. They aren’t making progress.

This is awful. We must look for him.

Niawen, he traveled north, Seren said. He could have passed the northern mountains. Ask Caedryn for help. Ask him to send men out.

That’s a good idea.

He might have come here. You must seek him with your light.

Yes. I will. I felt so sick. I left my friends. Kenrik went looking for me. He might be dead because of me.

We’ll find him, Seren said.

I feel weak. I need to sit down. The courtyard tilted. I slid to my knees in the snow.

Niawen! Seren breathed against my shoulder. I reached my arms up and laid my head on her snout.

It’s just the pregnancy. I don’t have the strongest constitution.

What? This is how you chose to tell me you’re pregnant?

I’m sorry, I said. I was going to tell you until you dove into Kenrik’s disappearance.

You should go inside and lie down.

I’m fine.

At least to the stable, out of the snow, where we can continue talking, she said.

All right. The stable was only half a courtyard away.

I curled against Seren once we reached her designated stable. She wanted me to rest before I opened my mind’s eye, but as I draped my head over her forearm and closed my eyes, I began my search, unfolding the plane of dots. The first light I saw was in my womb. I rubbed my flat stomach, marveling at the grace my unborn child carried.
