Page 106 of Corrupted

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Seren, I’m so in love with him, or her. And he hasn’t even begun growing really.

I’m happy for you. The pregnancy is very sudden.

I know, but I’m fine. I’m ready to start my family.

It’s hard work, she said. Although it’s easier for humans to carry their offspring than it is for dragons to fire their eggs.

I smiled. Seren’s first egg took eleven months to hatch. And that was with around-the-clock firing. She and Cephias took turns.

Caedryn wishes he had a dragon, I said. He misses Neifion.

I imagine.

I didn’t want to ask Seren, but the pleading in Caedryn’s voice saddened me when he talked about Neifion. Seren, would you consider laying an egg, here, for Caedryn?

Seren lifted her head. Here? Without Cephias?

I know it’s a lot of work. Do you think Cephias would come?

I wouldn’t ask him to. You have no idea what you’re asking. You have no idea what’s going on in Gorlassar. If I laid an egg in the mortal realms, the emrys high council would be in an uproar.

I stood and stroked Seren’s face as I looked her in the eye. They don’t have to know.

I’d be gone for months! And I couldn’t fire an egg on my own with no sleep. That’s why we have mates.

I’m asking you to only think about it.

Then you would ask me to abandon a dragonling, Seren said. When? After it’s a few weeks old? How could I leave my offspring here while I returned to Gorlassar?

He’d be loved. The dragonling would bond to Caedryn.

For what? To live a life without other dragons? Caedryn doesn’t need a dragon.

How can you say that? I asked. How can you after knowing how our bond feels?

He wants a dragon to start his own army!

He wants to protect his people should Empress Rhianu ever rise up against him.

This is unreasonable. I’m not considering it.

Please, Seren. I beg of you.

No! Smoke puffed out of Seren’s nostrils. Caedryn put you up to this. You’d never ask such a thing of me. This request goes against your oath as a dragon guardian.

I’m trying to make a life. I want my husband to be happy. He asked out of desperation. Out of fear. I had to ask for him.

And where is he? Is he too cowardly to show his face?

He’s not a coward, I said.

You shouldn’t have bonded with him, Seren said. It’s too soon. He asks too much of you. He played games with you until he convinced you that you needed him.

I do need him.

You have never needed anyone.

Do you not understand anything I’ve gone through? I asked. It was never in me to be at peace, was it? Caedryn was like me, with a darkness inside. He understands.
