Page 52 of Corrupted

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I barged into the side room off the great hall and grabbed Kelyn’s arm. “You embarrassed Tiwlip!” I popped his shoulder back into place, eliciting another wail from Kelyn.

“A little warning, please!” He braced himself on the edge of the desk he was sitting on, looking pale.

“It’s better if you don’t know it’s coming.” I ignored his sorrowful eyes as I closed mine. I assessed his injury with my light and began healing the inflammation the dislocation had caused.

“Niawen, I didn’t think a simple match would evolve so drastically.”

I couldn’t talk through my healing. His words sifted through my head. He felt guilt. I felt his guilt. I let him fume through my silence.

When I released him, I only said, “Just apologize to Tiwlip. She is not dusty coal. She’s the best of all of us.”

Kelyn tested his shoulder by working it around the socket. “I will. I’m sorry, Niawen. Hotheads. You must not have a sibling, I take it.”

“I don’t, but I have two close friends who are as good as any.” I shook my head. “That’s no excuse for your actions.” I glanced briefly into his eyes. “You should be fine.”

“My thanks.”

As I turned to leave, Kelyn grabbed my hand and tugged me close—right between his legs. With him sitting on the desk, I stood at his eye level.

“I know I don’t deserve any forgiveness from you yet, but don’t shut me out.” He caressed my cheek.

“I won’t.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” He lifted my hand to his mouth and pressed his full lips to my palm. His brows furrowed the slightest bit as he pleaded with his eyes. “I love you.”

“I know.” I swallowed back the butterflies trying to escape my stomach. It’s just his touch. Just his touch. “I must go. I have a nose to mend.”

His brow pinched almost imperceptibly. “Of course you do. And I have to listen to my father’s lecture about my irreverent and abhorrent behavior.”

“Good luck.” I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind myself. I leaned against the heavy wood and sighed. Kelyn hardly flinched when I didn’t return his “I love you.” I was horrible. Cruel. He feared that the match had soured our tender romance, but I wasn’t sure if I loved him. Lamely, I only offered an “I know.” I couldn’t offer any more.


I knew he loved me before he uttered those words. He loves me! You stupid girl. You foolish, stupid girl.

“I’d like a word with you, Lady Niawen.”

My eyes sprang open. King Sieffre stood before me and gestured down the hall to another room.

“I should see to Kenrik’s nose.”

“He can wait. Sorfrona has him holding a steak to his eye. It’s already black and blue. The bleeding has stopped. He can suffer through the pain for a tad longer.”

I nodded and followed King Sieffre silently down the hall. I felt as though I was going to stand before my father. Summoned to be reprimanded. Maybe I deserved a good talking to.


“By the Holy Creator,” King Sieffre said. “I know none of this is your fault. Not directly at least. Kelyn and Kenrik have had their differences since Kenrik was born. He’s always been in his brother’s shadow even though I’ve never held one over the other. I imagine Kenrik feels this way because his brother is the crown prince.”

I nodded from the chair I was sitting in. King Sieffre paced the room with his arms clasped behind his back, exactly as Kenrik had earlier when we were in the library. I almost wanted to laugh at how similar they were in their movements and gestures.

“We planned on announcing their engagement on the winter solstice,” Sieffre said. “Kenrik and Tiwlip, that is. I had every reason to believe he was going to accept her.”

Until I came along.

King Sieffre turned to me with all seriousness. “I want you to make sure he understands there’s no chance with you.”

“Your Majesty, I’ve done nothing to lead him on.” Except gallivant about the palace with him.
