Page 56 of Corrupted

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“I don’t know. I can’t say. It’s over. I can’t stay here and be the cause of this rift between you and Kelyn.”

I broke his hold and bolted from the room.

His shout raced down the hall after me. “Niawen!”

Seren! I felt hot. Antsy. Agitated.

She’d anticipated my needs before I said a word. I’m in the courtyard.

Forgive me for bringing you here. I was stupid and rash. I had wound myself into this world and created a mess.

Niawen, you don’t need to ask my forgiveness.

I wish you had stopped me from ever leaving Gorlassar.

“So that’s it.” Kenrik tore after me, shouting for the whole palace to hear. “Was this an experiment for you? Were you just curious about the fragile humans?”

I ripped through the front doors, still running. The cold afternoon air slapped my face.

Kenrik’s words slapped my soul.

Seren stretched her wings.

Kenrik burst outside after me. “You snared us with your beauty. Is this some emrys magic?”

I rounded on him. “I snared no one. Stop this. You can’t possibly claim to love me if you can’t respect my wishes. At least Kelyn said he’d wait. He hasn’t pressured me.” I ran into Seren’s arms.

“Niawen!” Desperation rattled through Kenrik and into me. “Forgive me. Don’t go.”

“I have to.”

Seren gave me a leg up.

“Please tell me you’ll return. What can I do to make you stay?” Kenrik stared up at Seren’s saddle where I settled in.

“Nothing can make me stay.” Don’t make leaving harder than it is.

“Are you leaving Kelyn without a goodbye? He’ll be heartbroken. And my mother and father, Tiwlip and Brenin? You can’t leave them.”

My face pinched. I didn’t want to leave them without goodbyes, but I was afraid my bravery would falter and I couldn’t tear myself away. “Tell them I loved them. Truly.”

He rubbed Seren’s shoulder. “Where are you going?”

Seren reared, and Kenrik stumbled backward. She leapt into the sky, feeling my ache for a swift departure.

“Home.” I turned my eyes away from Kenrik’s miserable face.

“NIAWEN!” His voice stabbed through me.

As Seren gained altitude, the roar of my name, over and over, caused me to glance back.

Kenrik had fallen to his knees. He arched his back, expanding his chest as he lifted his head to the sky. Every muscle in his neck was taut. Tears streaked his red face.

He was a tortured man, who screamed my name until he grew hoarse.

I turned away once he curled into a sniveling mass on the cobblestone.

Even though his vocal cries ceased, his voice continued to thunder throughout my head.
