Page 57 of Chasing Wild

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“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Rem pats me on the shoulder as we walk away, making room for some of the others to take their turn shooting their rifles at the targets.

“Come on, little brother,” Brooks says to his brother, Beckett. “I’ll show you how it’s done.”

“Whatever, old man.”

Rem and I grin at each other and wander over to the food table, where we both grab a bottle of water out of the ice.

“It’s nice to be able to trust the people we invite out here,” Rem says with a contented sigh. “Everyone knows and understands that this is an active shooting range, and they respect it. I don’t have to worry about anyone being stupid or showboating and getting anyone hurt or killed.”

“If it were any other way, we wouldn’t have offered this up to everyone today,” I reply with a nod, and we watch silently as both Brooks and Beckett shoot their rifles at the targets. Their family has also been around for a long while, although they’re still considered move-ins because they’ve only lived in the valley for roughly thirty years or so. Their family owns the Double B Ranch.

“What’s Summer up to this weekend?” Rem asks.

“Working. She has weddings back-to-back, pretty much through the middle of September.”

He nods thoughtfully. “Where do you think that’ll go?”

I eye him and sip my water. “I think she’ll continue designing flowers for weddings, I suppose.”

Rem rolls his eyes. “You’re a smartass. Come on, I’m your big brother. You’re supposed to talk to me about this stuff.”

“I’m… I could see myself falling for her. She’s fucking amazing, and I’ve been attracted to her for years. The chemistry is crazy. She’s driven and smart.”

“You like her.”

I eye him again and nod. “Yeah, I like her. A lot.”

“Good place to start,” he says, clapping me on the back. “I think she’s great. She’s been a good friend to Erin and Millie.”

“I suspect she’s a good friend to everyone.”

“Except the part where she talked my soon-to-be wife into hiring Charlie Lexington.”

“Dude, get over yourself. Charlie’s the best there is, and you want Erin to have the best.”

“But why does she have to be a Lexington?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Because the universe has a sense of humor, that’s why. I’m going to take the horse and go for a ride. I’ll probably be out of cell range for a while.”

“Want me to go with you?”

“You can’t bail on your party.”

He glances around, shrugging again. “Half the guys are off doing other things anyway. I think Brady took a few guys fishing. I’m surprised that you didn’t want in on that.”

“I plan to go next week.” And take a certain someone with me. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Where are you going?” Ryan calls out.

“Just for a ride,” Rem replies. “Wanna join us?”

“Hell yes.”

It’s late when I decide to leave the ranch and head home. We spent all weekend on the land, enjoying time with friends, and it was a good time. I have no complaints at all.

But I miss Summer, and I plan to call her as soon as I get home.

First, I stop at the police station real quick to grab my duty belt and clean my weapon before my shift tomorrow.
