Page 58 of Chasing Wild

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I’ve just walked inside when Sergeant Prescott waves me over.

“How’s Summer?” he asks.

“As far as I know, she’s fine. Why do you ask?”

He narrows his eyes. “She didn’t call you?”

My gut tightens, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. “Why would she need to call me, Sarg?”

“She had an incident last night,” he begins.

“Is she in the hospital?”

“No, no. Nothing like that?—”

Before he can say more, I take off and run back to my truck, putting it in gear and racing toward Summer’s house before I even have the door closed.

But when I get there, her house is locked up tight, and she doesn’t answer. I call her, but it goes to voicemail.

“Summer, it’s me. I just spoke to my sergeant, and he said something happened last night. I need you to answer the phone, sugar.”

Running back to the truck, I toss the phone onto the seat and drive over to my own place, trying to figure out how to get a hold of her.

I can call her aunt. She’ll know where she is.

But when I get home, I see Summer’s car parked in my driveway, and for just a moment, my heart calms in relief.

She’s safe.

That’s all that matters.

But then I run to the front door, and when I find it locked, I key in the code and push the door open. Lily lifts her head from where she’s sleeping in a little dog bed and then pads over to greet me.

“Hey, baby. Where’s your mama? Summer!” I rush back to the kitchen, but I don’t see her, so I take the stairs two at a time.

I can see that she slept in my bed last night because the covers are messy on her side, and when I push into the bathroom, I find her in the bathtub, with headphones on. Her eyes are closed, and she’s bopping her head back and forth in time with the music in her ears.


Obviously, she has the volume up, and I’m going to startle her, but I need to know what in the ever-loving fuck is going on.


She jumps, gasps, and slams her hand over her mouth, those baby blues wide, and then sighs.

“You scared me!”

She takes off the headphones and sets them on the floor beside the tub.

“What the hell is going on, Summer?”

“First of all, please let me get out of this bath, and I will tell you everything.”

“Are you okay?”

Her eyes soften. “Yes. I’m okay. And I’m sorry I came here without asking you, I just?—”

“Get dressed.” I turn to leave the room. “We’ll talk downstairs.”
