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“Of course, I missed you. I had no one to play tag with the entire week. Who was I supposed to play with? Jett? Everyone knows he cheats.”

Isla giggles. “Gibson cheats, too.”

Leia clears her throat. I rake my gaze over her. She doesn’t have any outer injuries, but she is standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest and her mouth set in a flatline. My firecracker is pissed.

“Isla, baby girl. Go to your room. Fender and I need to talk,” Leia orders.

I set Isla on her feet.

“But he just got back,” she pouts.

“Fender and I need to discuss adult stuff,” Leia says. I hope adult stuff isn’t code for her dumping my ass.

Isla’s nose wrinkles. “Are you going to kiss and be disgusting?”

I chuckle as I herd her inside the house. “Kissing isn’t disgusting.”

“Yes, it is. Astro kissed me at school. His lips were cold. It was gross.”

I growl. “Who’s Astro? Why did he kiss you? Did you want him to kiss you?”

Isla rolls her eyes. “You’re as bad as Mom.” She skips to her room without answering my questions.

I close the door and shut out Gibson and Jett who are standing in the front yard watching the show. They whine and complain but I ignore them. They’re not important now. Leia is.

I step toward her. I want her in my arms. I need to feel for myself that she’s uninjured but her nostrils flare as she stares at me, and I freeze.

“You’re okay? The paps didn’t hurt you?”

She snorts. “The paps didn’t hurt me. I didn’t give them the chance.”

Relief pours through me at her words. The vultures didn’t hurt her. “What did you do, firecracker?”

“I showed them my softball skills.”

“I didn’t know you played softball.”

She smirks. “I don’t.”

“You didn’t hurt anyone?”

She rolls her eyes. “Why does everyone keep asking me if I hurt anyone? All I did was brandish a shovel at a bunch of reporters in front of the chief of police.”

I hope I’m mishearing her. “You brandished a shovel?”

She shrugs. “Brandish sounds cool. In actuality, I carried it on my shoulder.”

Leia is barely five feet tall and reminds me of a pixie with her blonde hair and blue eyes. But if anyone can pull off intimidating a bunch of paps, it’s her.

“I wish I had been there.” I clear my throat. “I’m sorry I wasn’t.”

She waves away my apology. “It was bound to happen sometime. My only concern is keeping Isla safe.”

“We’ll keep Isla safe. After the incident with Virginia, the town is on the lookout for anyone who doesn’t belong.”

“I figured as much since Indigo got a message to let her know when the press had arrived.”

“You seem awful calm about the situation.”
