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The chief smiles. “Watch me.”

“Screw this,” he mutters before hurrying to his car.

The rest of the paps follow him. They get into their cars and drive away. Only when I can’t see any of their vehicles anymore do I blow out a breath.

“That was awesome!” Petal shouts.

“We need to have new t-shirts made,” Feather says.

I turn away from them as they begin to discuss what to have printed on their new t-shirts.

I thank Brody and his brothers as well as Rowan before starting toward the community center with Indigo.

“I need to check on Isla,” I say.

“I never knew you were a softball champion.”

I wink at her. “I wasn’t.”

Chapter 29

I love you – three little words Fender has never said to anyone before


“We’re almost there,” Dylan says and I realize I’m grinding my teeth. I don’t stop, though. I can’t. I won’t be able to relax until Leia and Isla are in my arms.

Jett points to the police car up ahead. “Uh-oh, it’s the fuzz.”

“Don’t worry.” Cash continues to defy the speed limit as he passes the police car. “It’s my brother, Peace. He’ll escort us to Leia’s house.”

I’m still shocked every time Cash says ‘brother’. When we met, he was an orphan with no family to his name. Now, he has six half-brothers. One of whom is Leia’s boss.

Leia. I hope she’s okay. The only thing I know is how the paps swarmed the courthouse but were forced away by the town’s residents.

What happened to Leia and Isla? Were they there? Did the paps upset them? Did they tell my girls lies about me to get their reactions? Did they believe the lies?

We reach the street where Leia’s house is and I grab the door handle. As soon as Cash slows down, I open the door and jump out.

“You could have waited until I stopped,” Cash shouts after me.

I ignore him and rush toward the house.

“She’s okay,” Peace calls from the open window of his police car.

I won’t believe she’s okay until I see it with my own eyes. I reach the porch and the door flies open.

“Fender!” Isla yells before throwing herself at me.

I catch her. I will always catch her. This precious girl has burrowed herself under my skin and I’m not letting her go.

“Are you okay, cutie pie?”

“I missed you.”

I kiss her hair. “I missed you, too.”

