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The clerk glances down at my purchases and sighs. She points to the back. “Try not to spend all day in there.”

“I don’t think we’re the first women to do this,” Virginia mutters as we enter the restroom together.

There’s one toilet, no stall, and zero privacy.

“Maybe you two can wait in the hallway.”

Indigo rolls her eyes. “You don’t have anything we don’t have.”

Virginia grasps Indigo and whirls her around. “We won’t look.”

“I wasn’t going to look,” Indigo claims.

“Seriously? You were staring at Leia like she’s a science experiment.”

“It is science.”

I tune out their bickering while I open the three packages and lay them side by side on the sink next to the toilet. The instructions claim the tests will work even if it’s not morning. I hope they’re right.

“You can turn around now,” I tell Indigo and Virginia once I’ve peed on the sticks.

“I’ve set my alarm to three minutes.” Indigo waves her phone in the air.

“What are you going to do if you’re pregnant?” Virginia asks.

Pregnant! No. This is to prove I’m not pregnant. But what if I am? I clasp my chest as my breathing becomes labored. Did someone steal all of the air in here?

Indigo slaps Virginia’s shoulder. “Way to go. You’re giving the pregnant lady a heart attack.”

Pregnant lady? My knees weaken and I sway to the side. Indigo wraps an arm around my waist before I faceplant on the floor.

“Why don’t you sit down?”

I scan the utilitarian restroom. “Where?”

“On it.” Virginia places toilet paper on the toilet seat until it’s covered. “This is as good as it gets.”

Indigo helps me sit and I drop my face into my palms. “This is a disaster.”

“It’s not a disaster. You have a good job. A good home. A supportive family. And a man who loves you. You’re going to be fine.”

I whip my head up. “Family? My parents haven’t deigned to talk to me since they found out I was pregnant at seventeen and my grandparents died when Isla was a baby.”

“Not those jerks. I mean us.” She motions between Virginia and herself. “We’re your family.”

“And you have Isla and Fender, too,” Virginia points out.

“But how long will I have Fender if I’m pregnant. You don’t know what happened to him. He’s going to lose his mind.”

I only realized I love Fender a little while ago. I’m not ready to lose him. I’ve been making plans to keep him forever. I groan and drop my head into my hands again.

“What do—” Indigo is cut off when her alarm beeps. “It’s time.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. It’s time. I don’t want to look. Maybe if I don’t look I can pretend this isn’t happening. I can be one of those women who show up at the hospital in labor who didn’t realize they were pregnant.

“Panic’s over. You’re not pregnant,” Indigo declares.

I gasp. “You looked.”
