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She waves the instructions in the air. “It says you have to check at three minutes. Otherwise, you can get a false positive.”

Virginia squeezes my shoulder. “You okay?”

Of course, I’m okay. This is the outcome I wanted. I don’t want to be pregnant. Except a tiny piece of me is disappointed. It was already imagining a little boy with Fender’s green eyes running around playing with Princess.

I shove those thoughts away. I’ll think about them later. Much later. In a few years perhaps.

I force myself to my feet. “Why did I miss my period if I’m not pregnant?”

“It says here a missed period can be the result of stress.” Indigo points to an article on her phone. “You have been under a lot of stress lately.”

I wrinkle my nose. “No, I haven’t.”

Virginia raises her eyebrows. “No? You didn’t move to a new town with your daughter? You didn’t get a new job? You didn’t fall in love?”

“Fine. Fine. Fine. There may be some stress. But I’m used to stress.”

“Let’s chalk it up to stress.” Indigo winds her arm through mine. “Now, who’s ready to get some pretty nails.”

“Only if they have liquor at this nail salon.”

“It can be arranged.” She winks. I allow her to drag me out of the store and into the car.

Disappointment sits heavy in my stomach. I rub my middle. Go away. I’m not disappointed. I don’t want Fender’s baby.


Chapter 32

Dumbass – A person who hasn’t dealt with his past and therefore screws up his future


I frown when Dylan and Cash walk into the house I share with Gibson and Jett.

“What are you guys doing here?” Gibson asks.

Cash slaps his feet off the couch and sits. “We can’t visit our bandmates without an appointment?”

Jett rolls his eyes. “You don’t have time for us since you’re in love. Blech.”

Dylan points to me. “He’s in love, too, and you aren’t bothering him.”

Jett glares at me. “Because he hides his food when we do.”

“Not just the food,” Gibson mutters.

Dylan meets my gaze and I nod. Yes, I’m hiding Gibson’s beer. No, it’s not helping. He’s drinking entirely too much.

Drinking on tour every night I can understand. The excitement and adrenaline make it hard not to. But at home? When we’re on break? We need to confront Gibson soon. Before he’s completely out of control.

“Indy and Virginia went to White Bridge with Leia to treat themselves to manicures,” Cash says.

What? Leia didn’t tell me. She told me she needed to work this morning. I offered to look after Isla but she has some scout outing.

“When was this decided?” I ask.

Dylan shrugs. “This morning. It was a last minute thing.”
