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“They should be home soon,” Cash begins. “In the meantime, I thought we could discuss which song to release as our next single.”

Dylan scratches his chin. “Do we need to bring out a new single? Resurrect is still at the top of the charts.”

“We don’t have to release the new single right away. But we should figure out which song is next.”

“We should let the fans decide,” Gibson says.

“How?” Cash asks.

While the band discusses which song to release as our next single, I stare out the window at the house next door. How did Leia leave without me realizing it? Did she sneak out? Is she hiding something from me?

I shake those thoughts out of my mind. Leia isn’t Vicki. She’s the woman I love. Vicki was a bump in the road.

I spot a car traveling down the street. It stops in front of Leia’s house, and Leia jumps out while waving to the occupants.

“Going,” I grunt. I don’t wait for a reply before heading next door to Leia’s house.

“Did I forget something?” Leia asks when she opens the door to my knock. She smiles. “Oh, it’s you.”

She pushes up on her tiptoes to kiss me. I keep the kiss short. I have questions.

“Did you finish your work?”

She blows out a breath. “Not yet.”

I nod to the bag in her hand. “Did you go shopping?”

Panic lights her eyes. “N-n-no.”

“You didn’t go shopping? What’s in the bag?”

She rolls her eyes but the panic is still clear to see. “It’s a drugstore bag. Necessities.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. “If your bag is full of necessities, why are you panicking?”

“I’m not panicking,” she says as she retreats down the hallway.

I stalk after her. “Why are you lying to me?”

“I’m not lying.” She stuffs the bag in the kitchen garbage.

“I thought the bag was full of necessities. Why are you throwing it away?”

“Can you give me a moment?”

“A moment? A moment to what? Come up with a lie for what you were doing today?”

She rears back. “You make it sound as if I was cheating on you.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You weren’t?”

She scowls. “I was with Indigo and Virginia.”

“Nevertheless. You’re hiding something from me.” I nod toward the garbage can.

“I need a minute.” She stomps down the hallway and the bathroom door slams moments later.

I don’t hesitate. I open the garbage can and dig the bag out. I dump the contents on the kitchen counter. Hell. She’s pregnant? Wait a minute. No, she isn’t. These are all negative.
