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I wipe the tears spilling from my eyes away. “No, no. You’re right. A prank should be against something he loves.”

“He’s obsessed with food,” Indigo offers. “We could raid his refrigerator.”

“There’s no way we’re going to be able to sneak into the house. The entire band is over there now.” Virginia points to next door. Since there are no curtains, it’s easy to peer into the living room where the entire band can be seen.

“We could lure them away,” Indigo suggests.

“And how are we going to lure them away?”

She shrugs. “We can set off fireworks in the front yard and sneak into the back door when they go outside to investigate.”

“Where are we going to get fireworks at this time of year. Autumn is around the corner,” I remind her.

“We can build our own,” Virginia suggests. “There must be a book in the library about how to create explosives.”

My eyes widen. “The library has books about explosives?”

Her shoulders deflate. “Maybe not.”

“I guess we move onto Plan B.” Indigo holds up the bags she’s carrying. “Drink wine, eat tons of junk food, and watch trashy movies.”

She sets her bags on the coffee table in the living room and starts to empty them. She pulls out chocolate, potato chips, bags of candy, several bottles of wine, a few cans of beer, and three pizzas.

“While trashing Fender,” I add.

“I have a great vocabulary.” Virginia smirks. “I bet I can think up at least fifty words for jerk.”

“Don’t forget liar, untrustworthy, sneaky, rat bastard, contemptible, idiot, fool, jackass.” I pause to inhale a breath.

Indigo hands me a glass of wine. “Here. This’ll help.”

I gulp the wine down before collapsing on the sofa. “What am I going to do?”

“You’re going to get over the idiot and be all the stronger for it,” she says.

“While living next door to him?” I huff. “How am I going to get over him when I see him every day.”

“He won’t be here all the time. The band starts their tour soon,” Virginia says.

“Isla was barely manageable the week Fender was gone for the press release. She’s going to be inconsolable now he’s gone for good.”

I hold out my glass for more wine. Indigo fills it up and Virginia hands me a cracker topped with cheese.

“Hangovers suck,” she says.

“I can’t believe I thought Fender was different. But he’s exactly the same as Charles. Men are unreliable.” I wave my wine glass at Indigo and Virginia, and the wine splashes over the edge onto my t-shirt. I ignore it. Who cares about a t-shirt now? “Except your men. They’re the exception that proves the rule.”

Virginia snatches my glass from me. “Maybe we should get you a sippy cup.”

“A sippy cup? Why would I have a sippy cup in my house? I don’t have a toddler anymore. Isla’s nearly a teenager and I’m never going to have children again.”

My bottom lip trembles. “I’m never going to have another child.”

Virginia rubs my back. “I thought you were relieved you aren’t pregnant.”

“A son with Fender’s green eyes,” I whine before the tears burst from my eyes and I stop all pretense of trying to keep it together.

“He broke my heart. He broke my daughter’s heart. I mean, not yet.” I use the bottom of my t-shirt to wipe my nose. “She doesn’t know yet but her little innocent heart is going to break. Crack! In two. Never to recover. Never to trust a man again.”
