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“Maybe wine wasn’t the best idea,” Indigo mutters before shoving a piece of sausage at me. “Eat this. It’ll make you feel better.”

I stare at the piece of meat. “This will make me feel better?”

“I’m not good at consoling people. If you met my mom, you’d understand.”

I inhale a deep breath and force myself to get it together. I can’t lose it. I have a daughter to care for. I need to be an adult here.

“My mom’s horrible, too.”

Indigo rubs her hands together. “You think so? Let’s compare notes.”

Virginia raises her hand. “Excuse me. But I’m pretty sure I win in the horrible mother lottery.”

“My mom forced Cash to break up with me and we lost each other for eleven years,” Indigo blurts out.

“My mom disowned me when I got pregnant and I haven’t heard from her since. She’s never met Isla.”

Indigo throws her hands in the air. “Fine. You win.”

“You forgot about me.” Virginia clears her throat. “My mom didn’t believe it when my step-brothers tortured me.”

I glance around at my friends. “We have some shitty moms, but we’ve got each other now. No matter what, we have each other.”

They wrap their arms around me. Their love and friendship fills me up and soothes over the rough edges of my heartbreak. I’m still devastated but with these two women by my side, I can power through anything.

Chapter 34

Fool – Worse than an idiot


I slam the door behind me and the window in the living room rattles. I pick up the first thing I can find – a set of keys – and throw them across the room.

Jett ducks out of the way. “What the fuck, Fender?”

“What’s wrong, grumpapottamus?”

At Gibson’s question, I start for him. He squeaks and ducks behind the couch to hide.

Jett stands in my way. “What’s wrong with you?”

What’s wrong with me? I could tell him what’s wrong but I’m too pissed to speak. I grunt and grab the TV remote. I throw it across the room and it hits the refrigerator before falling to the floor where it smashes into pieces.

Jett gathers the remote controls for the PlayStation and hugs them to his chest. “Maybe you should go outside and let off some steam.”

Gibson peers over the couch at me. “And where there’s no one to injure with your wrath.”

They think they’ve seen my wrath? They haven’t seen shit yet.

I scan the room for something else I can throw. There isn’t much here. This isn’t a home. Not the way Leia’s house is. Leia. How dare she try to use me?

I pick up one end of the coffee table and flip it over. The glasses on the table shatter on the floor. The sound is satisfying. What next?

The door bangs against the wall behind me but I ignore it. I march to the kitchen and whip open a cabinet. It’s filled with pots and pans. Not interesting. I move to the next one.

I’m reaching for the glasses when arms wrap around my middle and try to drag me away. I plant my feet. I’m not going anywhere.

“Get away from the kitchen,” Cash orders.
