Page 24 of Small Town Sparks

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“Amelia,” the man, Lucas’ father, warned in a low tone. She ignored him, and her gaze ran slowly down me.

“So, what is it you do, Scarlett?”

“I—…” I clutched at my purse, trying to control the shakes racing down my arms, but it was difficult. “I trained to be a nurse but I–I’m a Graphic Designer, and at the weekend I work—volunteer at a Vets clinic.” A white lie; after all, I was still going to hold up my end.

“Oh really? What sort of things do you design?”

My lips parted, but thankfully, Lucas stepped in.

“Mother, I hardly think she cares to discuss work at a time like this,” Lucas said. “But I felt it was time you two met. I’ve known Scarlett a long time, and I only kept it quiet because I felt like she was the one; I just wanted to be sure.”

“Sanderson is in Graphic Design,” his father said, “honest work. Decent.”

I tried not to let out a breath of relief.

“If you say so,” Amelia replied. “I haven’t seen you at an event before, have I?”

“No,” I replied. “This is my first one, actually.”

“Why?” Amelia asked, her lined eyes narrowing as she toyed with the glass in her hand.

“I’m not great with crowds,” I replied easily. “I prefer animals to people. Much easier to deal with.”

Lucas’ father suddenly barked out a laugh and before Amelia could say anything, he gently took her hand. “Come, Amelia. I see Vernon. We must speak with him. See you at dinner, Lucas.”

The moment they were gone, I spun around and thumped Lucas in the chest.

“What the hell was that? Fiancé?! I never agreed to that!”

“I’m sorry!” Lucas raised his hands. “I just— I panicked, okay? I did what I needed to do because I knew they wouldn’t take me seriously if I just said girlfriend.”

“What’s wrong with girlfriend, huh? I have no intention of marrying you, or anyone!”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I just… I did what was needed, like you sneaking into this Gala in the first place.”

I raised a finger, ready to argue back, then I sighed. He had a good point there.

“Okay… fine. I’m still not happy about it, though.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I should have asked you first. But thank you for playing along. Thank you.”

I crossed my arms and nodded. “You’re welcome, I guess.”

“So, we dealt with my problem. How about yours; have you seen whoever it is?”

“No,” I admitted dejectedly. “I’m beginning to think he’s not even here.”

“Well, who is it?” Lucas asked. “I know everyone here, and I might know where they’re hiding out.”

I turned back to Lucas and relented. The worst he could do was call me a stalker, right?”

“I need to talk to Toby Ashbluff. My brother.”



“Toby?” Lucas couldn’t keep the shock from his voice even if he tried. It was written all over his face. “Toby is your brother?”
