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"Exactly," Parker says, clapping me on the shoulder. "Now go. I think those sunflowers need some expert advice."

"Since when do you care about gardening?" I shoot back, but I'm already pushing off from the porch railing, my gaze finding Julia once more.

"Since it gives my big brother a reason to talk to a beautiful woman without chickening out," Parker smirks, watching me take those first steps toward a truth I've kept buried for far too long.

"Keep it up, Parker, and you'll be needing that beer bottle for more than drinking and pointing," I threaten half-heartedly, but there's no bite in it. He chuckles, and I make my way across the yard to where Julia stands, the setting sun casting a warm glow over her red hair.

"Hey, Jules," I call out, my boots crunching on the gravel. She turns, green eyes bright, and my resolve solidifies. It's now or never. Time to tell her everything.

"Ryan," she greets me with a smile that feels like home. "What’s up?"

"Julia, we need to talk." My voice is earnest, filled with all the hope and fear of a man about to lay his soul bare.

"Sounds serious," she says, a playful note in her voice, but her eyes search mine for answers.

"It is. Tomorrow is your last full day here before you have to go home. Will you go out on a proper date with me tomorrow?" I ask.

“Yes, I’d love to,” she answers with a wide smile.

Is it truly time to come clean? Is Julia one to trust with who I truly am?

Chapter 12


The horizon is a colorful masterpiece, but I can't fully enjoy it. Not yet. It's my last day here, and my chest tightens with a blend of sadness and anticipation.

"Jules, you ready?" Ryan calls from the porch, his voice pulling me back to the present.

"Almost!" I kick off my boots, swapping them for heels that feel foreign after days in cowboy country. My reflection stares back at me from the mirror, green eyes brighter against the red curls I've let fall loose around my shoulders.

"Never thought I'd see the day," I mutter to myself. A chuckle escapes me as I exchange my workaholic armor for this soft, flowy dress that whispers over my skin like a promise.

"Look at you." Ryan leans against the doorframe, all casual strength and easy charm. His black hair is combed back, and that beard of his is trimmed just enough to mean business.

"Look at you," I shoot back, letting my gaze wander over him. He's swapped out his usual ranch attire for something that fits him like it's made only for tonight. He's still the tough-looking guy who loves his solitude, but there's an elegance to him now that hints at more than he lets on.

"Never thought I'd wear something like this again," he admits, his blue eyes catching the last light of day.

"It suits you, though," I confess, thinking of how his look tonight matches my high-powered suits hanging in my Houston closet.

"Shall we?" He offers his arm, and I take it, feeling the calluses on his hand, reminders of his life here.

"Let's make this night unforgettable," I say, allowing myself to lean into him, to feel the warmth of his body next to mine.

"Unforgettable," he echoes, and there's a promise in his voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

We step out into the remaining daylight, and I know that whatever comes next, this moment — the gentle pressure of his arm, the soft sigh of the land, and the feeling of being on the cusp of something new — will stay with me forever.

"Julia, close your eyes," Ryan murmurs, his breath warm against my ear.

"Are we playing a game?" I ask, my heart flipping in my chest.

"Trust me," he says. I can almost hear the smile in his voice. How can I not do as he asks?

I close my eyes, and he guides me forward. We stop, and I feel the gravel beneath my heels shift to smooth stone. "Okay, open them."

My eyes flutter open to a scene that steals the breath from my lungs. A helicopter sits in the field ahead, its blades slowly turning, casting an opulent silhouette against the twilight sky.
