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"Ryan," I start, but no other words come.

"Surprise," he says, his hand squeezing mine. "Our date is a little... unconventional."

"Is that ours?" My voice is barely above a whisper.

"Only for tonight," Ryan chuckles. There's a glint of mischief in his eyes.

We approach the helicopter, and the pilot greets us with a nod. I'm helped into the seat, the leather cool and soft against my skin. As we lift off, the ranch shrinks beneath us, a patchwork quilt of earth and green.

"Julia, there's something I need to tell you," Ryan says once we're airborne, his voice steady over the hum of the engine.

"More surprises?" I ask, my pulse racing.

"Kind of," he replies. "I haven't been completely honest with you about who I am."

"Ryan?" The question hangs between us, heavy as the setting sun.

"I'm not just some guy who works on a ranch and does woodworking." He pauses, taking a deep breath. "I'm a former real estate developer from Dallas. And... a multi-billionaire."

The world tilts, and it has nothing to do with the helicopter. "A billionaire?" I echo, stunned.

He nods, his gaze never leaving mine. "I left that life behind after realizing it wasn't what made me happy. After I had a major heart attack, almost died, and had to lay in a bed for weeks, recovering."

"Wow," is all I can manage, the pieces of him falling into place, fitting together like a puzzle I couldn't solve until now.

"Does this change things for you?" His voice is laced with vulnerability.

"No," I say, surprising myself with the certainty in my voice. "It doesn't change how I feel about you, Ry. But why tell me now?"

"Because I wanted you to know the man behind the beard and the boots first," he explains. "And because I care about you, Jules. More than I thought possible."

The helicopter banks gently, revealing a cityscape alight with a million twinkling stars below us. It's beautiful, but it pales in comparison to the man beside me and the honesty in his eyes.

"Thank you for trusting me with your truth," I say, reaching for his hand. "Now let's enjoy our last night together."

"Deal," Ryan agrees, and as we soar towards the city, I realize that this man, this night, might just be the biggest surprise of my life.

The helicopter touches down on the rooftop of a high-rise in the center of the Dallas skyline, and as we step out, Ryan's hand finds mine, warm and reassuring. He leads me to the edge, where a single table for two waits, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight.

"Your last surprise," he says with a chuckle that rumbles through his chest.

My heart flutters like the delicate flames flickering before us. "It's beautiful, Ry."

"Nothing but the best for my girl."

"Your girl, huh?" I tease, loving the sound of that more than I should admit.

"Only if you want to be," he replies, pulling out a chair for me.

"Let's see how the night goes," I say, settling into the seat. "So far, you're scoring major points."

"Good to know," he grins and takes his place across from me.

"Tell me about the heart attack," I urge gently, needing to understand the man who's stolen my heart.

He exhales, the playfulness fading into seriousness. "It was a wakeup call," he begins. "One day, I'm this hotshot developer making deals, next thing I know, I'm flat on my back thinking it's the end."

"That must've been terrifying," I whisper.
