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"It was," he admits. "But it showed me life's too short to chase things that don't bring you joy. So, I traded skyscrapers for open skies, board meetings for barn chores, and... well, stress for serenity."

"Wow, Ry," I breathe out, moved by his candor. "I've been so wrapped up in work, aiming for that billion-dollar mark, thinking it would make me happy..."

"Does it?" He leans forward, gaze intense.

"Starting to think maybe it doesn't," I confess, feeling the weight of my own revelation.

"Then come live with me, Jules. Trade your spreadsheets for sunsets, conference calls for horseback rides. Be my partner in this simple life."

My heart races, desire and fear warring within me. Could I really do it? Leave everything behind?

"Say yes, Julia," he urges, his blue eyes alight with hope.

"Give me time to think," I plead. “We’ve only known each other a week. That’s a little jumping the gun. Don’t you think?”

"Of course," he agrees, giving my hand a squeeze. "No pressure. Just know, whatever you decide, tonight changed nothing and everything all at once."

"Changed everything," I echo, knowing in my heart that whatever I decide, my life will never be the same again.

We step out onto the balcony of a high-rise building, overlooking the sparkling cityscape of Dallas. Below us, the world carries on at a dizzying pace, but up here, it’s as if we’ve stepped into a different universe—a bubble of luxury that Ryan has carefully orchestrated for our time together.

"Beautiful," I admire, gazing down at the shimmering lights.

"Only the best for you, Jules," Ryan says with a wink. He leads me to the table set for two, with crystal glasses and an array of dishes that look more like art than food. The scent of truffles and saffron wafts in the air, mingling with the subtle fragrance of fresh roses that adorn the center of the table.

"Is this really happening?" I ask, laughing in disbelief as I take a seat.

"Believe it, darlin’." Ryan grins and pours us each a glass of champagne. "To new beginnings."

"New beginnings," I echo, clinking my glass against his.

The meal is exquisite, each course outdoing the last, and I can't help but marvel at how seamlessly Ryan has transitioned from cowboy boots to billionaire's loafers. It's disarming, watching him navigate this world with such ease. Yet there’s a warmth to him that tells me he hasn’t forgotten the value of simple pleasures.

"Feeling full?" Ryan asks as dessert concludes and I lean back, patting my stomach.

"Stuffed. And thoroughly impressed," I confess, meeting his gaze.

"Then I suppose it's time for our high-class ride back to the ranch," he says, standing and extending his hand.

I take it, and together we walk to the private elevator waiting to whisk us away. As the doors open, I'm greeted by the sight of a white stretch limousine, its interior softly lit and inviting.

"Ryan!" I exclaim, half-laughing, half-awestruck. "You're full of surprises."

"Wait until you see the inside," he teases, helping me into the limo.

The seats are buttery leather, and there's a bar stocked with top-shelf spirits. A partition separates us from the driver, ensuring privacy. Ryan pours us each a drink, and I curl up next to him, feeling like a character in some glitzy romance novel.

"Cheers, to a night of indulgence," he says, raising his glass.

"Cheers," I reply, still trying to wrap my head around the surreal evening.

As the limousine glides through the streets, I lean against Ryan, his arm wrapped around me. The hum of the engine is soft, the ride smooth as silk. We talk and laugh, sharing stories, and for a moment, I forget about my fears and my company. I'm just Julia, not the powerhouse entrepreneur, enjoying the company of a man who sees the world from a perspective I’m only beginning to understand.

"Thank you, Ry," I say sincerely. "Tonight was... incredible."

"Jules, as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter if it's a gala or a barn dance. The company makes the evening," he replies, his voice tender.

The limo turns onto a gravel road, the lights of the ranch coming into view. My heart swells with a mixture of emotions—excitement, apprehension, and an unmistakable sense of coming home.
