Page 17 of Lich's Desire

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That’s not going to work.

Another thought crosses my mind, and I grin wickedly. I note the displeasure on Zathex’s face, and I realize that I can exploit it.

Zathex props open the door, beckoning me.

I slip closely by him, touching his waist gently as I pass.

“I’ll just be waiting right out here,” he says.

“You mean you don’t want to watch me?”

A disgusted look crosses his face, just as I had hoped.

“Yeah. I guess I can close this. Just try to hurry.”

Oh, this is perfect.

I feel the small cold metal in my hand, proud to have pried it from off of his waist.

Taking the key, careful to not let it slip out of my hand, into the disgusting hole in the ground behind me, I bring it up to my neck.

“Can you hurry it up in there?” he asks.

I find the keyhole and twist gently and quietly, looking up at the window behind me.

“With what you’ve been feeding me, you’re lucky it’s coming out at all!” I reply, nimbly working to get the damned metal off my skin.

I feel the collar click.

Now if I want to get out of here in one piece, I have to be very quiet.

I slip the metal collar off, ecstatic to be unbound for the first time in days. Then I lower it very gradually to the floor so that he won’t notice the sudden difference.

The glass window is shattered open, proving that I’m not the first person to try this. I can climb up, but I’m going to have to be careful to not cut myself.

“Okay,” Zathex says finally. “I’m coming in! Something’s up.”


I cut myself climbing up to the window, feeling the blood drip from my foot.

And without looking back, I jump down, from the shattered window to the alley below.

“I knew it!”

I hear him exclaim from out of the window.

He looks down at me, fury in his eyes.

I run, feeling my bloody feet pound the cobblestone alley. There are broken bottles and waste everywhere. As careful as I am, I’m not careful enough.

“I got you! Give it up!”

I hear him call out from somewhere behind me, then look up at the decrepit shop beside me.

He might be strong and fast. But he’s not agile.

And those wings are unreliable. I can still see where he damaged them in a fight.
