Page 18 of Lich's Desire

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I find footing on the side of the building and begin to climb, jumping from a barrel to a windowsill, and then digging my foot into the uneven masonry.

His scowl almost paralyzes me as I look down.

“Try to catch me now, bastard,” I taunt him quietly, as I finally grip the roof of the building, then bring myself up.

My only hope is to jump from roof to roof. I’m far from trained in this, and I realize that I’ll probably die escaping.

But it’s better than dying a captive.

The rooftop ahead of me is higher than this one, and I realize that it’s going to be quite a jump.

Readying myself and stretching, I sprint forward, leaping to try to clear the distance.

I nearly miss it, feeling my arm scrape up against the rock wall. My foot is stinging and throbbing.

I bring myself up to the ledge and then look ahead.

Although I could jump forward, continuing this path, he’s no doubt following my path.

“That won’t do,” I say quietly to myself.

I see a door ahead of me, no doubt leading to the building below.

Expecting it to be locked, I’m relieved when I feel it open in my grasp. I dash down the flight of stairs, realizing I’m not in a business, but in somebody’s house.

“Sorry,” I say, catching my breath as I notice that the building is occupied by one very distressed-looking man.

His eyes are glassy and wide, and his hands are covered in whittling cuts, a carved batlaz on the table in front of him. He stares at me, his mouth open in confusion.

“Just getting a bit of exercise,” I explain, already realizing it makes no sense.

“What are you doing? Get out before I call the authorities!”

I notice a tattered traveler’s cloak hanging on the rack beside the door.

“Can I borrow this?”

I tear it off and cover myself with it, then sprint out the front door before I hear his response.

Rather than sprinting out of view, I take advantage of the momentary surprise.

I see no sign of Zathex but try to keep my back to the crowd, the mindless drone of the auctioneer just ahead of me.

“And the lovely Elma’s already had two children!” the auctioneer calls out. “She’s fertile and ready to expand your lineage!”

In front of me, a carriage is fully loaded up. It’s noticeably more well-maintained than anything I’ve seen in the last hour.

Without a thought, I jump inside, relieved when it starts to move.



My mind races with thoughts of profit and splendor for when I step foot back on Ikoth. Of course, there’s still a long way to go, but I entertain myself by imagining demons far and wide coming to my shop.

Vrask truly secured a sizable profit for me. He’s not the most trustworthy of allies to have on my side, but he’s helpful when he wants to be.

I laugh lowly, using one of my shadow blades to chop down a tree that dangles in my way. “I’ll be swimming in nodals once I sell everything I have.”
