Page 55 of Lich's Desire

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My shadow powers tense up inside me, but I’m able to knock it off with a quick, deep breath.

“That must be our ship,” Hanna says, pointing to a passenger vessel anchored at the farthest dock.

“Looks like it. We still have some time to kill before it departs, so let’s find a place to gather our thoughts and go over the plan.”

At that moment, a bitter cold breeze blows in from the sea. Hanna recoils, grabbing her arms and rubbing her chest while shooting an angry look at the water. It’s quite adorable.

“Here,” I say, throwing my cloak around her shoulders.

“What about you?” she asks.

“I’m not the one shivering, am I?” I chuckle, pulling her close by the waist. “Come on, let’s go.”

The docks are alive with trade, boats of every size anchoring down or setting sail. We walk past fishermen hauling their fresh catches ashore, and passenger vessels disembarking. Dock workers load and unload cargo, either carrying boxes into the warehouse or using them as seats for a smoke break.

It’s almost as busy as the city, but we manage to maneuver our way through the bustling docks and find a tavern close to our ship. There, we sit at a quiet table in the corner of the cozy inn. I purchase a meal for each of us.

“Dig in,” I say.

“Thank you, Kazrith. So, you wanted to go over the plan?”

I drink from my pint of ale.

“Yes. We need to make sure it’s perfect. My contact’s intel has proven useful in determining Zathex’s location. Take a look at this map.”

I check around the inn for prying eyes, then flatten out a map on the table.

“This area here is where most xaphans take up residence, and it’s often patrolled by other xaphans to keep out undesirables. These circles here indicate weak spots where patrols are more lax.”

Hanna pulled the map closer, her studious eyes running over its information.

“Are you sure this intel’s any good?”

“It’d better be, it didn’t come cheap. What do you think, anyway?”

“It looks good, I just hope we can pull this off. Zathex deserves his end.”

“Of course he does, but if you have any doubts about the plan, we have a few days to revise it.”

“Will the journey take longer than last time?”

“I believe it’s making a few stops before eventually docking at New Solas. At least we’ll have more time together.”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” she says with a smile. “Are you nervous?”

“Me? Nervous? I could never be. What about you?”

She nods. “I just want my father and I to be able to live safely when this is all said and done.”

“Of course,” I say, my eyes fixed on hers with determination.

I wish it could be us living safely together in the end.

“I’ve been trained through the toughest trials and tribulations, yet I’m more terrified than ever for him,” she remarks, looking distantly away. “The thought of him alone hasn't stopped eating at me. In a way, I wish I could get back there sooner, no offense.”

My heart palpitates at her words. Though I don’t show it, it hurts to hear her say them. The battleground in my mind intensifies. I need to distract myself.

I do what I do best and reach a hand out to Hanna to comfort her.
