Page 56 of Lich's Desire

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“I’m sure he is fine. If he’s anything like you, he’s a strong man with good values, and if that’s hard to believe, just look at how you turned out.”

She lays her hand on top of mine, the feel of her skin warm, soft, and enticingly inviting.

“I appreciate your ability to stay focused on the mission. I have mine and my father’s well-being riding on this, maybe that’s why I’m letting my worries get the best of me.”

Far from the truth. I wonder what she would say if she could read my mind right now.

“No, don’t talk negatively about the way you feel,” I say. “You have perfectly good reasons to be nervous. I too have your well-being at risk, but I promise you now, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back to your father.”

“I don’t doubt your abilities to see that through,” she responds. She leans back in her chair and lets out an exhausted sigh. “At least I had some time to rest and recuperate before heading back into the shitstorm.”

I watch as she resumes eating, knowing this is one of the last few times I’ll have the privilege of sharing a meal with her.

All things must come to an end… I just wish this wasn’t one of them.

It’s as though the nearer the mission comes to the finishing line, the stronger my feelings for Hanna grow. I really thought I had it all before I met her, but I could not have been further from the truth.

The worst part is knowing what I feel now will be nothing to when she’s gone from my life. The hardest is yet to come, staring me down from the distance and watching with a smile as I loom ever closer.

But if I can eliminate the threat of Zathex from her life, maybe… just maybe I can live, knowing she’ll be safe from his tyranny.

We board the boat, walking across the deck to peer over the side. I watch the water as it splashes against the coastline, mists of water hitting resting dock workers as they yelp in surprise.

Hanna’s laughter is sweet. I will never forget it.

But what if the mission fails? What if the world is never graced by Hanna again?

The mounting darkness inside of me is coming to a boil. My vision starts to blacken, fists clenching as my shadow powers surge. Their strength is becoming too much for the chains of my restraint to bear.

Need a distraction!

“Zathex,” I groan. The xaphan’s ugly face flashes in my mind, seemingly enough to quell my increasingly turbulent shadow powers. “I’m going to kill the bastard.”

“Hey,” Hanna interjects. “Are you alright? You seem tense.”

“Yes,” I say, a half-truth, a half-lie. “I’m just thinking back to how Zathex left me penniless.”

“Maybe you should rest, Kazrith. You’ll need your strength, so try relaxing while we’re on the boat. Okay?.”

She’s right. I can’t wear myself out while the journey has barely begun.

But her advice is only a reminder of why I need her. What if I’m losing myself, and she’s not around to help? How can I put myself to rest otherwise?

If I can barely control myself now, what am I to do when she’s gone?

I draw a deep breath and look at her as her eyes fix on the sea. The boat rocks as it sets sail, and soon, we’re off.

Right now, my rage for Zathex is the only remedy I have for keeping the pain of losing Hanna at bay.

My love for you, my obsession to keep you close to me, and my fear of being left alone might just overcome me when you’re gone.

The voices silence themselves when her beautiful eyes look at me.

“Shall we check out our quarters?” she suggests.

“Yes. After you, then.”

Sighing, I follow behind her as we enter our room.
