Page 105 of The Pick Up

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So I explain about York and the real reason Joe couldn’t make the wedding this weekend.

‘And does Joe have any idea how you feel?’

‘Well … I’ve sort of spent a lot of time making it pretty clear that I don’t want a relationship.’

‘I bet you have,’ she mutters, shivering. ‘Let’s head back inside?’

As we walk back to the grand hotel she puts her arm through mine and I explain it from the beginning. ‘After we kissed at Tally’s party we’ve been super awkward with each other and then Mark showed up at the absolute worst time and Denise told me that’s when Joe decided to distance himself from me. He thought he was trying to do the right thing for me and Lila to get back together as a family with Mark and I thought he was just freaked out after our kiss and was having second thoughts about hanging out with me.’

We sidestep a couple of wedding guests dry-humping on a chaise longue and take the lift up to my floor, quietly heading into my room. I ease Lila’s door open just a centimetre and hear the gentle putter that she makes when she’s asleep.

Poppy’s rifling through my minibar when I emerge, selecting tiny vodkas for us both. She motions for me to sit down in front of the dresser and brandishes a hairbrush.

‘We need a plan,’ Poppy announces. ‘I’m thinking grand romantic gesture.’

‘I have a plan! Get back to Bristol first thing tomorrow. I’d go now but it’s late, Lila’s asleep and I’m way too pissed to drive.’

‘Shall I call reception and see if we can get a helicopter?’

‘Not sure I could stretch to that, Pops. Besides, he’ll be asleep by the time I get back.’

‘All right, killjoy. Listen, don’t look so worried. I have a sneaky suspicion this will work out well for you. Now can we go downstairs to dance?’

‘I mean, I’m not getting out of here any time soon so—’

Back in the hallway I gabble on to Poppy about how I intend to sit him down for a proper conversation. However it seems that my sister has chosen to sidestep the apparent mediocrity of this strategy and instead she’s concocting various romantic scenarios for our future together.

‘He might still go to York,’ I’m saying nervously as I call the lift. ‘He might have changed his mind about me or maybe he might just really want to move away now or maybe—’

‘We can all go for Sunday roasts together at The Royal Oak,’ Poppy butts in. ‘And I’ll do your wedding photos for free, of course.’

‘How did we get from family roasts to marriage in under two seconds?’

Poppy slugs from yet another miniature she liberated and admires her reflection in the mirrored lift doors.

‘You look absolutely banging, sis,’ she says. ‘Green really suits you. Where was I? Oh yeah, your wedding. Did you know that you can get dolphins to propose? I watched a clip on YouTube. This couple were swimming with dolphins, right? Then one dolphin swam towards them with a heart-shaped rubber ring balanced on the end of its nose. The ring had a diamond ring on it! She said yes, the couple started kissing and then the dolphins did a little kiss too. It was the cutest.’

‘You have got to calm down,’ I insist as the lift dings to tell us it’s arrived. ‘You can’t rush us into marriage when we don’t even know if he’ll agree to a proper date yet. Now let’s get you back to the party. Adam’s there and …’

Poppy narrows her eyes. ‘What were you two chatting about earlier?’

Half an hour later, Dad and I are attempting a waltz when I spot Poppy and Adam snogging in the corner of the dancefloor like a pair of giddy teens. I’m so happy for them I could pop. And it makes me all the more certain that my feelings for Joe are very, very genuine.

Sunday morning could not come soon enough. Once again I barely slept last night and Lila has chosen this morning to have the first lie-in of her life. It’s absolute sod’s law I think as I try to wake her up, desperate to get on.

‘Mummy, what are you doing?’ Lila rubs her eyes as I lay out some clothes for her.

‘We’re going to breakfast sweetheart!’

‘It’s dark outside.’

‘We’re going to find Granny and Grandpa and then I’m going to ask if they’ll look after you this morning.’

‘Where are you going?’ she yawns as we pad down to breakfast.

‘Well, Mummy’s going to go and see Joe.’

