Page 108 of The Pick Up

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‘I’m coming, Joe!’ I call out into the hallway, getting a strange look from the hospital porter hurrying past, rubber shoes squeaking on the shiny floor.

I scan a map of the building but there are literally thousands of options. I’m about to completely lose my shit when I spot the hospital café, an oasis in the desert, and instinctively move towards it. Not because I need any more caffeine – that ship sailed at breakfast – but because … because … I don’t know why! My mind’s all over the place. Maybe I can pause there, get my bearings and figure out where Joe is. Perhaps even take coffees up to Denise’s ward, I think, deciding that gift-giving is going to be my love language from now on. I don’t think I’ve ever had a love language before! I’ll present him with a flat white! I wonder if they have any gluten-free pastries?

Am I stalling? I might be stalling.

I join the queue and my brain decides go into overdrive. I wish I wasn’t wearing this flappy sundress. It seemed cute for breakfast by the beach but not so much for an inner city hospital. Will Joe actually still be here? Also … did I brush my hair this morning or what?

I should definitely go for decaf.

Oh balls I think I left my toothbrush at the hotel. Maybe I should text Mum first and ask her to see if they’ve still got it. Although I can buy toothbrushes from reputable outlets in Bristol, right? It’s not like that was the last one on the planet.

‘Two flat whites, please,’ a voice from behind me in the queue orders.

So rude.

‘Could you wait your turn?’ I snap, spinning round to give this queue-jumper a piece of my mind. ‘I was just thinking about toothbrushes, there’s literally no need to butt in—’

‘Apologies.’ Joe grins, looking anything but apologetic as he stands behind me, inexplicably wearing a suit. The jacket is slung over his left shoulder and his white shirtsleeves are rolled up, making his arms look ridiculously good. He looks ridiculously good.

My heart pounds. Am I sweating?

‘Would you prefer a cappuccino?’ He smiles at me. Under his gaze I melt like honey in the sunshine.

‘You’re here,’ I gasp.

‘I’m supposed to be here. I think the surprising thing is, so are you.’ He grins, eyebrow arched. ‘And you brought … “just married” condoms with you? Bit presumptuous.’

My gaze flicks down to the packet of prophylactics still scrunched up in my left hand.

‘Christ,’ I mutter, grateful that I at least left the lube in the back of Larry’s car. ‘I, um, they’re not mine.’

Joe nods. ‘I see. So you just turn up at hospitals with stolen condoms these days?’

He’s positively beaming now.

He’s happy to see me, I think. I’m not too late.

I fold my arms and try to regain some dignity. ‘It’s all duck-herder Larry’s fault, he was driving like the clappers and … Never mind that right now.’

‘Why are you here? I thought you’d still be in Cornwall.’ Joe’s looking at me like I’m a cold drink on a hot day. He hesitates for a second, then he puts his hand up to my face and tucks a stray hair behind my ear.

‘I … I …’ I swallow. ‘I had to come. I didn’t see your messages until not long ago and I wanted to check on Denise.’

Joe leans against the counter, rakes his hand through his hair. He suddenly looks like a man who hasn’t slept with traces of worry still etched across his face.

‘That’s really kind,’ he says, hand now dragging across the stubble on his jaw. ‘Mum is fine.’ I force myself to focus on his words and not his disarmingly addictive face. ‘She fainted in the heat yesterday and hit her head on the way down. You know that wooden kitchen top of hers?’

I wince.

‘She’s got quite a cut and they wanted to check for concussion, but she’s been given the all-clear. We’re just waiting on some painkillers and then she can come home. It’s a huge relief.’

‘Thank goodness she’s okay,’ I say. And then: ‘I like your suit. Bit formal for a hospital though, don’t you think?’

‘Well, you know. It’s nice to respect the hospital staff.’ His eyes twinkle at me. ‘They work very hard.’

‘I’ve heard that.’

‘Is that why you’ve come here looking so completely breathtaking yourself?’ he asks, fingers inching closer to mine.
