Page 86 of The Pick Up

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‘Don’t you think it’s infuriating? We used to have so much fun together. And the kids did too. Lila and Sid haven’t hung out in ages. Every time I message you, you say you’ve got too much work on. I know it’s a busy time of year for you but seriously, it can’t be that bad. I feel like you’re fobbing me off.’

Joe shakes his head, almost angrily.

‘That’s not what’s happening. There’s a lot going on with my job that needs my attention right now.’ His comment hangs heavy, like there’s more that he could say about work, or something that he’s not telling me. ‘But I’m also trying to give you some space.’

‘I don’t want space! I miss you. I miss … our friendship.’

Joe’s gaze pins me to the spot and my stomach swoops and I have to physically sit on my hands to stop myself from reaching across the table for him. Why does he make me feel this way?

‘I miss you too,’ he says softly. ‘But …’

Then he holds both hands up, fingers spread wide, palms facing me as if he’s pushing me away.

‘But what?’ I press.

Joe turns his head to the side, looking off into the distance.

‘But your husband’s back—’

‘Ex-husband,’ I interrupt. ‘And I really don’t see what he’s got to do with anything?’

‘Oh for god’s sake, Sophie!’ Joe snaps.

I’ve never seen him like this before and I flinch, eyes wide.

‘Sorry,’ he says, sitting back in his chair. ‘I didn’t mean to react like that. I’m just trying to give you space to deal with all this family stuff you have going on, that’s all. And I need to protect myself, too.’

‘Protect yourself from what?’ I ask quietly.

He sighs and is about to say something. And then my phone rings.

I squirm and mouth I’m sorry and reach down to my bag to check it’s not an emergency about Lila.

It’s not. It’s Mark. Obviously I reject the call.

‘You don’t need to get that?’ Joes asks.

I shake my head. ‘Carry on,’ I say.

‘Where was I? Oh yeah, just, oh I don’t know, Sophie. I—’

My phone pings with a text.

God, who invented mobile phones?

I hadn’t put it back in my bag and as I turn it over to mute it, Mark calls again. Joe and I are both looking at my screen when his name flashes up.

‘You should take it,’ Joe says in a tight voice.

‘Absolutely not,’ I protest.

‘Just take it,’ Joe says. And this time he sounds weary. ‘I need to use the loo anyway,’ and he gets up, chucks his napkin on the table and leaves.

‘What?’ I say rather irately down the phone to Mark.

‘Hello to you too.’

‘I’m busy, Mark. Not a good time.’
