Page 88 of The Pick Up

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‘You’ll love that.’

‘They will be colour coded!’ I grin. ‘So are you going away?’

Joe nods. ‘Yeah … up to York. Just for the night. It’s a work thing.’

‘Sounds exciting.’

‘It’s definitely not.’ He smiles, before firmly changing the subject. For the rest of the night we chat away almost – but not quite – like we used to do. Which is good. Because we are two grown-ups and I think we can move forward from this. Maybe I was just catastrophising before. One kiss is not going to lead to the end of our friendship. There’s a small voice that tells me neither of us are being completely honest with each other, but I ignore it, because it’s the only thing to do.

Chapter 26

Weeks pass and I realise that I still haven’t heard from Mark, to follow up on meeting Lila. So I send him a message.

Hi Mark, can we have a chat to discuss how we’re going to introduce you to Lila?

Want us to be on the same page with everything for Lila’s sake.

Also suggest we meet at our local playground one weekend morning for an hour.

Let me know when you can chat.

Thanks, Sophie

Mark’s online as I type and I see that he’s reads the messages, so I half expect an immediate response, but nothing comes.

‘What are we eating tonight?’ Poppy asks, walking into the kitchen in my new Birkenstocks. ‘Also, isn’t it a relief that it’s finally stopped raining? I mean April showers is one thing, but it’s June!’ Poppy flops down at my kitchen table and helps herself to an apple.

‘What’s with the look?’ I ask, pointing at her feet. She’s teamed my sandals with heart print socks.

‘It’s giving trendy-grandad, right?’ She grins.

‘It’s giving stealing-from-your-own-sister, more like.’

Poppy ignores this. ‘Adam’s being a pain in the butt.’

‘How so?’ I ask.

‘Urgh,’ she says, eyes rolling at the thought of her flatmate, best friend and definitely not should-be other half. ‘So, last night we were both in the flat and he’d picked up my favourite beer on the way home. He came in, asked how my day had been and we ended up having a really good catch-up. I mentioned that I’d been on a date with Akoni and he went all weird. I think the words international rugby star did something to his ego? Some weird man stuff I don’t understand?’

‘Hold up, you’ve been on a date with Akoni?’

‘Did I not tell you?’


‘He asked me out the last time I was at The Royal Oak.’

‘Mum said you practically lived there now.’

Poppy rolls her eyes at this.

‘So how was the date?’

‘Oh, fine I guess.’ This seems a tepid response from the woman who has been flirting with Akoni relentlessly for over a month.

‘You’ve painted a real vivid picture there, Pop. I feel like I was on the date with you! When did this happen by the way?’

‘A couple of weeks ago I think.’
