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He grabbed her hand. “It’s not. I promise. The amusement park closes in less than an hour, and it doesn’t reopen for a few days. I’ll get you something to drink while you wait for me. You won’t be bothering anyone.” If Kendall even lets you stay. He put a hopeful expression on his face, and they resumed walking down the elevated wooden sidewalk of town. He soon guided her through the authentic-looking double swinging doors of the saloon and steered her to a seat at the far end of the bar.

Cooper Mackay, another Old West Town owner, and the manager of this saloon, was behind the ornately carved wooden bar. He delivered some drinks to an elderly couple at the other end of the bar and then approached them.

“Hi, Gabriel. What can I get for you and your friend?”

“Nothing for me just yet.” He turned to her, putting his hand on the back of her chair. “What do you want, Suzanna?”

She scanned the endless whiskey bottles stacked counter to ceiling in front of mirrored glass behind the bar. “Do you by any chance have anything besides whiskey?”

Cooper laughed. “Sure do.” He tapped a small menu built into the bar’s surface.

Studying the modest menu quickly, she said, “I’ll have the house red wine. Thank you.”

“Excellent.” He turned to Gabriel. “Sure you don’t want anything?”

“I’ll pass for now. I’ve got to go have a conversation with Kendall. Is he over at the sheriff’s office?” Gabriel was anxious to get Suzanna settled. The more he thought about it the more he was certain this was the best idea. And if he had to stay in the next room with her, no problem.

Cooper narrowed his eyes. “I believe so, yes. Are you sure you really want to talk to him? He’s not in the best mood right now.”

* * * *

Suzanna was a little out of her depth. This Old West Town park was amazing. She had been studying the interior of the saloon like a lookie-loo passing an accident along the road since they’d walked inside. The place looked completely authentic. Like she’d stepped out of the current century and into another one filled with cowboys, saloon girls, and poker players. In fact, given the chance, she’d love to explore the whole town.

“Why do you say that?” Gabriel asked. He was going to way too much trouble for her. But a secret feeling Suzanna had way deep down made her think this would be the perfect place to explore a short-term relationship with Gabriel. Like a fantasy brought to life. All he needed was a cowboy hat. Given that almost every man in the room had one, it wasn’t a stretch to imagine Gabriel had one tucked away somewhere.

Cooper glanced at Suzanna for only a moment before saying, “Well, Jocelyn is out of town. She and Logan went back to her old house. They are packing up and moving the rest of her things here. Personally, I think he’s just a little grumpy because he’s all alone, but he’ll never admit that. It’s just a friendly warning.”

“I’ll take my chances. It’s important.” Cooper shrugged and moved down to the other end of the bar.

Suzanna reached out and grabbed his forearm before he could step away. “I don’t mean to sound like a broken record. And while I’d love nothing more than to stay here tonight, are you sure this is not too much trouble?”

She was seated in a tall barstool, her face level with his. He moved closer. “I’m positive.” Then he pressed a quick kiss to her lips as if he did it every single day. “It’ll be fine. Be right back.” Her lips tingled as if she’d been burned. She was so falling for him. She watched Gabriel’s delectable ass as he headed for the exit.

He left through the swinging doors just as Cooper brought her the wine she’d ordered, breaking her inappropriate gaze. He put a small square, brown napkin down first and then placed what looked like an oversized whiskey shot glass filled with red liquid in front of her.

“I love the glass.”

He winked. “It lends a certain authenticity to the surroundings. Enjoy.” Cooper promptly moved back down the bar to take care of his other customers, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Suzanna took a sip, letting the cool liquid soothe her spirit as it quenched her thirst. The drink was exceptionally good, given that a saloon in an amusement park wasn’t where she’d expect to find amazing wine. She took a deeper taste, letting the smooth liquid coat her throat and take her stress level down with it.
