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Gabriel shrugged. He hated when Kendall read his mind. “Well, you know how he is. Nathan likes quiet and he’s not usually fond of surprises.”

“I’m sorry, Gabriel. I can’t let you or anyone else stay overnight in the saloon, not even for an act of kindness. It’s not set up properly for guests and would be an insurance nightmare if anything happened. But you’re right. I have no say in your houseguests. It’s none of my business. But Nathan isn’t alone in his beliefs. All of the homeowners behind the compound walls like it quiet. Keep that in mind.”

“Got it.” Gabriel would have to go to plan B. He certainly hoped Nathan wouldn’t mind having Suzanna stay with them for a few nights. He couldn’t remember a time they’d ever had a female overnight guest who wasn’t having sex with them, but he didn’t plan to bring that up.

Gabriel felt very certain that Suzanna would have invited him into her hotel room in Enclave had they not been turned away. Inviting her to his home seemed different though. Like he needed to be a good host and not require sexual favors in order to offer her a place to sleep. Meaning she’d have to be the one to initiate something sexual. Would she? Maybe. But even if she did, he hadn’t ever shared a woman in their home without Nathan being a part of the experience.

And he truly didn’t think she’d go for that. Occasionally women were a bit apprehensive about his best friend upon a first meeting. To be fair, Nathan could be formidable. He was Old West Town’s only blacksmith, and with his considerable height and muscular frame, he truly looked the part. Plus, he had very strict rules about how he enjoyed interludes of a sexual nature.

Bondage was, in fact, the only way he had sex. Given how Suzanna reacted to being briefly pinned to the hood of his car, he didn’t expect bondage to be something she particularly enjoyed.

Gabriel headed back to the saloon, noting that he’d been gone longer than intended. Mind circling with various possible conversations with both Nathan and Suzanna separately and together, Gabriel was not expecting to walk into the saloon and see them sitting side by side at the bar. And Nathan was crowding her personal space. What was that about?

Nathan leaned in very close to her. Her gaze was fixed on his face, her eyes wide with…what? Excitement? I wish. Fear? Hope not.

The swinging saloon doors settled closed behind him as Suzanna pulled her stare from Nathan and sent it in his direction. Gabriel locked gazes with her, and saw sudden growing panic in her expression. Gabriel turned his focus to Nathan, wondering what his friend had said to her that she looked so worried about. Gabriel got moving, speeding his steps in their direction. Nathan’s gaze had gone to the surface of the bar when she looked away, but his body still leaned very intimately toward Suzanna. Shit. Was he hitting on her? Was she upset about something Nathan said?

The closer Gabriel got, the more panicked Suzanna became. Before he made it all the way to where they were seated, Gabriel called out, “Nathan.”

His friend looked up at the sound of his voice, but then turned toward Suzanna. Likely, he saw her panic, too. He stood quickly, coming between them as Gabriel tried to ease closer.

Nathan pressed a meaty hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and said to Suzanna, “This isn’t the guy you need a bodyguard to fend off, is it?”

* * * *

Nathan pushed Gabriel back a step away from the lovely, fragile woman he’d been busy chatting up and trying not to fall for as he enjoyed an evening beverage. Her gaze had locked on him the moment he’d stepped into the saloon. Her passionate stare hadn’t abated, even when Nathan had walked all the way to her and pushed his legs into her thigh. He truly had thought she looked like she wanted to kiss him. She hadn’t commented on her desire for a kiss, but her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink at the comment.

Even now with fright tainting her beautiful features, she looked…hungry.

“No. He’s not.” She reached out and put her hand on Nathan’s bicep. “He saved me.”

The sudden look of visceral desire as she then squeezed his muscle made it near impossible not to consider where this evening might lead. His cock fairly throbbed at the sudden vision flooding his reptile brain considering all the ways he’d love to tie her up and make her scream. Wait. He glanced at Gabriel. His best friend had that same hungry look. Well, shit. Maybe three was a crowd and he was going to bed alone. “Did he?”
