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Long ago he’d been known as “love-’em-and-leave-’em Gabe.” As he got older, the nickname fell away, but his attitude on permanence, where women were concerned, had remained. At least until right now.

Today was the first time Nathan had ever seen his friend display such an intimately tender caress either before, during, or after being with a woman sexually. Truthfully, they hadn’t established that Suzanna would be a sexual partner. At least not yet, but he had lofty hopes.

Even if she hadn’t been staring at him like a he was her next meal, he would have been instantly interested. Once he’d moved close enough, the luscious scent of her drifted to him. He’d only barely resisted the urge to lean in and get a better sniff. Once he made it to her personal space, he thought he smelled her arousal, and his cock stirred to join the party.

“Why don’t I head back home and make sure the heat is turned on in the apartment?” he offered. In reality, he needed to ensure that the second bedroom in the apartment—the one with all of his “toys”—was locked.

“Good idea,” Gabriel remarked in a tone that said he understood his true intent. Gabriel liked to watch when Nathan tied up sexual partners, but he didn’t have the same need to dominate and control that Nathan did. And to be fair, Nathan liked to watch Gabriel have sex, too, whether their partner was bound or not. The variety worked well between them. More often than not, they each did what they wanted and then shared the women brought into their household. It was a lifestyle clearly understood by their previous partners.

Suzanna was different. She certainly didn’t know about their unusual sexual desires. But he sure did want to show her. How long had it been since they’d shared a woman not already in the lifestyle? He couldn’t even remember.

Nathan wanted to share Suzanna with Gabriel more than he wanted to inhale his next lungful of air. Broaching it with her was the dilemma. Although, given the looks she gave both of them, he didn’t expect it would be a problem. The idea of the evening to come stirred contentment and lust in his lower body. Perhaps she could be persuaded to step out of her comfort zone for a night.

He downed the rest of his drink in a single swallow, relishing the burn as the liquid coated his throat and headed for his belly. With a wink, he left them to go home. He’d lock the door to the spare toy room but keep the key handy.

Perhaps the hungry look in her eyes could be eased with softly lined handcuffs or leather manacles combined with a rip-roaring orgasm.

His cock pulsed with relish at even the slight possibility of having Suzanna tied to his bed tonight. Maybe he’d accidentally leave a few toys out and gauge her reaction.

Chapter Five

Suzanna watched Nathan leave the saloon and couldn’t wait until she saw him again. Just watching him walk—especially with his fine ass—made her heart thud wildly in her chest. Both of these men had amazing rear ends. Remarkable enough that she wanted to peel back their jeans and lick each firm, perfect butt cheek. What was up with her? Hadn’t she asked herself this question more than once today?

Gabriel saw her interest in Nathan’s ass before she could turn away and pretend she hadn’t been drooling. She barely quelled her dread, waiting for Gabriel to curse her in front of the crowd about any interest in another man’s butt, but he only smiled. His reaction was curious, somewhat unexpected, and put her a bit off balance.

If she’d shown even a tenth of the interest in Nathan, or if she’d been unable to control her interest in any man while in front of Marcus, she’d likely be having a very heated and ugly conversation. With their last argument ending in him giving her a sound smack across her face after falsely insisting she’d “fucked” someone else, Suzanna was pretty sure blood would have been spilled if she’d blatantly dared to look at another man’s ass as he walked away.

If she were still there. But she wasn’t.

She’d escaped, hadn’t she?

She was relatively safe here, right?

Suzanna mentally shook her head. She didn’t have to worry about Marcus. At least for now. She was out of harm’s way here in this tucked-away space, centered in a vast, empty landscape with no other towns for at least a hundred miles in any direction, wasn’t she? Suzanna considered the lengths she’d gone to in order to hide out this time, how far she’d traveled to put some distance behind her, and relaxed a notch.
