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Suzanna moaned. Together they moved in perfect rhythm. She liked deep and hard. Each shift of her hips drew him deeper, harder, and with faster thrusts inside her body.

Gabriel slipped a hand between them and fingered her clit. He stroked her three, maybe four times before she shrieked in pleasure, soon calling his name over and over with breathy enthusiasm. He was undone. His next thrust pounded intensely and pushed him right up next to a precarious edge—an edge he dove over in grateful satisfaction.

The rhythmic pressure of her pussy squeezing his cock and the continuous subtle moaning sent Gabriel’s pulse straight up. He was barely finished with this round and already wanted another.

He pressed his face into her throat, kissing her, inhaling her utterly seductive feminine scent, and falling in love with her. The unfamiliar emotion scared him just a little. But not as much as the thought of her leaving forever once her car was repaired.

Gabriel couldn’t sleep as he pondered the dilemma of how he’d ever let her go.

* * * *

Suzanna woke again a couple hours after the wonderful early morning sex with Gabriel to find herself all alone in bed. She sat up and looked around. On the chair next to the bed were her things from the trunk of Gabriel’s car.

She inhaled, and the scent of coffee and bacon assaulted her senses. Her stomach growled even though she rarely had more than a cup of coffee for breakfast. Then again, last night she’d only had a glass of wine and lots of sex for dinner. Her tank was empty.

She slipped naked from bed, briefly stopping in the bathroom to take care of business and rinse off in the shower very quickly. She dried off and found a man’s shirt in the closet to put on, before letting her nose guide her to the small kitchen. With an air of wanting to be more sexually free, she didn’t button the oversized garment.

Nathan stood barefoot in front of the stove with a spatula in one hand tending to strips of bacon in a skillet. He was clothed only in a pair of very sexy jeans. Suzanna was starving, and yet if the choice was food first or sex, she would probably beg him to fuck her.

“Good morning,” he said without turning toward her.

“How did you know I was standing here?”

He glanced over one shoulder with a sardonic smile in place. If he was surprised that she only wore an unbuttoned men’s shirt, he didn’t let on.

“Besides the fact that you just spoke, I heard the water running in the bathroom a few minutes ago, and finally, the floor creaks a little by the kitchen door.” His lusty gaze traveled the length of her body before landing on her face again.

Suzanna, feeling particularly like a wanton sex kitten at the moment, stretched her arms up and rested both palms on the frame of the door, giving him full visual access to her frontal nudity. After getting some rest and all the amazing sex from the night before, Suzanna found herself very aroused.

“Ah. Well, last night you seemed to read my mind, so I thought perhaps we had a psychic connection. Can you read my mind right now?”

He put the spatula down and turned around to face her. She literally sucked in a short breath of appreciation when she saw his ripped and perfectly sculpted bare chest with a sprinkling of hair between his flat brown nipples. He smiled and watched as she overtly displayed her half-naked body to him. Leaning a hip against the counter, he crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’d say you’re hungry.” His gaze zeroed in on her breasts for a moment before returning to her eyes.

She nodded. “Excellent. You’re right. I’m so hungry that my stomach thinks my throat was cut, but you look so amazingly good shirtless that I’d forgo breakfast to have sex with you on the kitchen floor right now.” She scanned the area wondering if his ample height would make sex uncomfortable for him in the space.

“Is that so?”

“Absolutely true.”

“But don’t you think you need to eat and revive your strength for such strenuous activities?”

“Probably, but in this moment, I’d rather come first.” The obstinate tone in her voice surprised her. She wasn’t usually so demanding. At least not in the area of sexual desire and satisfaction. Given Nathan’s obedience proclivities, he likely wouldn’t play.
