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“But that doesn’t matter because the gun in my hand is genuine,” Nathan said. “Want to test me?”

Marcus looked unsure for the first time since Gabriel had arrived on the scene.

Unfortunately, Suzanna took that moment to get to her feet. This drew Marcus’s attention from Nathan back to her.

“You are ridiculous,” she said with a laugh. Marcus frowned and advanced a step.

“Stay away from her,” Gabriel warned. His gun wasn’t real, and even though Nathan’s was, he wouldn’t take the shot because he wouldn’t chance hitting Suzanna. She was too close to Marcus.

She looked over her shoulder at him with a mischievous smile. What was that about?

“Come and get me.” She backed up a step and then another.

Gabriel watched in horror as Marcus took two steps forward and grabbed the gravestone with his free hand to catapult around it as he lunged at her. The rock in his fist was aimed for her head. She suddenly turned and leaped forward.

Marcus screamed as if in frustration and went down in a heap behind the gravestone in Gabriel’s line of vision.

He ran forward and saw that Suzanna had tricked him into leaping into the empty grave he’d dug for her. The rock in his hand was resting against his forehead.

Suzanna threw her arms around his neck. “He knocked himself in the head with his own stupid rock when he fell. Guess he should have been more careful, huh?”

Nathan approached them slowly, weaving between the headstones. “You scared the shit out of me, woman.”

She turned as he came close and grabbed him as well. “I’m so sorry about your head, Nathan. Are you okay?” She threw her arms around him and kissed his face repeatedly.

“I’ll live. Why did you go after him? I would have shot him if you hadn’t stood up.”

She released him and took his face in her hands. “I know you would have, but I wanted to take him out myself. Can you understand?”

“Yes,” he said, and holstered his gun. He then studied her arm where Marcus had bruised it and broken the skin with the idiotic rock he’d wielded.

Nathan looked deeply into her eyes. “As your unofficial bodyguard, I’m very unhappy that he hurt you before I could put his ass down.”

“Are you saying I should fire you?”

“No. I’m saying you likely never needed a bodyguard in the first place. You just needed to learn the truth.”

“What truth?”

“That you can kick your enemies’ asses all on your own. Maybe I’ll hire you to be my bodyguard.”

She laughed. “I promise I’ll never let anyone harm either one of you if I can stop it.”

“It’s a deal.” She kissed Nathan and then Gabriel.

“I love you, Suzanna,” Nathan said with reverence in his tone. Gabriel almost let his mouth fall open. His friend had never uttered that to another woman that he knew of.

“I love you, too,” Gabriel admitted, also for the first time. “I hope you’ll consider staying with us now that you have a choice.”

“There’s no place I’d rather be than right here with the two of you. I never thought I’d be able to say this and mean it, but I truly love the both of you. I can’t wait to discover a life with you.”

Shouts from the direction of Old West Town’s main street filtered through their close huddle. Gabriel headed in the direction of the noise to lead the authorities to Marcus.

Suzanna led Nathan to the church’s back set of stairs. They were both banged up a little bit, but Gabriel pushed out a sigh of relief. Marcus was caught, and they didn’t need to worry about him forcing Suzanna to run again. Their future looked amazing, since Suzanna agreed to stay with them.

Hearing her say she loved him put a warmth around his heart that had never been there before. And no matter what happened, he’d never regret it.


Enclave, several weeks later

Suzanna stared at her naked body in the mirror. She’d wanted to dress up in something wild, but they’d told her totally naked was best. She pondered what others would think when seeing her. Would they be unimpressed with her body? They told her she wouldn’t actually be seeing anyone, and they also couldn’t guarantee anyone would be watching her either, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to look sexy for her two remarkable men. That was the only important thing.
