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His black, slightly sweaty, shaggy black hair hung around his chin and around his face. Loose curls were spattered here and there throughout the midnight locks, and oh, God. I wanted to run my hands through it to see if it was as soft as it looked.

And then my eyes finally met his, and I froze.

He had gunmetal gray eyes that looked like they sparkled, but that had to be an illusion.

“You need to move your car,” he informed me.

I snapped out of my reveling and stiffened slightly.


“You need to move your car. Now,” he said a little more forcefully this time. “I also wrote you a citation for illegally parking your vehicle.”

My mouth fell open.

“My dog jumped out of my car.”

He looked down at my dog.

“I should write you one for no leash, too,” he mumbled, likely trying to say it quiet enough that I wouldn’t hear.

But I did hear, and my back straightened impossibly more.

“Thanks,” I snapped as I took the ticket. “Have a nice day.”

He watched me stomp away with blank eyes, and I chanced one quick look over my shoulder when I realized that my dog hadn’t fallen into step beside me.

“Come on, asshole.”

The dog came, and I could’ve sworn I saw the man’s lips twitch.

But that wouldn’t be right.

The man was a dick. He shouldn’t find me calling my dog an asshole funny.

I opened the passenger side door and gestured to Lou to ‘kennel.’ Which he did. Quite nicely, might I add.

The jerk.

“I can’t believe you just did that to me,” I snapped as I finally looked at the ticket.

“Officer Gibbs,” I muttered under my breath once I saw the signature. “You’re a dick.”

Lou sneezed, and I took that as my sign that it was time to leave.

“Fuckin’ a,” I grumbled as I looked behind me, and quickly backed off of the curb.

And even though the bumpers started to scrape—and I didn’t remember that happening when I parked—I didn’t stop to see if anyone was looking.

Once my final tire fell off the curb, I gunned it and spun gravel while I did.

Then immediately looked over my shoulder at the cop, who was watching me go while also shaking his head like he couldn’t believe I’d just done that.

Well, he could believe it! That’s what jerks deserved!Chapter 2I’m a mixture of spoiled and I’ll get the shit done by my own damn self.

-Logan to Katy


“Come on, girl,” I called to my beloved German Shepherd, Sister. “We have to go, or I’ll be late to Mom’s. And you know how pissy she gets when I’m not there on time.”

A grumbled huff left my girl, and I started to smile but stopped when I heard it.

“I’m seriously thinking about giving you up for adoption. Can’t you just poop already so we can go eat?”

I turned to find the woman I’d given the ticket to earlier in the week standing off to the side of the walking trail that Sister and I frequented every single day. She was holding a green plastic bag and looking down at the dog—the one that’d jumped out of a moving car window—with a ferocious frown on her face.

She was cute.

Not gorgeous, but cute.

Really cute.

Like an annoying little friend that you couldn’t help but to find adorable even when she was annoying.

She was wearing a pair of leggings. Leggings that showed off her curvy hips, and slightly thick thighs.

The leggings themselves were black with the hot pink ‘Pink Panther’ on them. She was wearing a black sweatshirt that was about four sizes too big for her, and her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head.

To top the whole ridiculous ensemble off, she was wearing a pair of hot pink Chucks.

Oh, and let’s not forget the adorable glasses that were perched on the end of her nose.

They looked like the kind that librarians wore, with the fucking chain and all.

Sister barked, bringing my attention back to her, and I grimaced.

“You ready to go?”

She started forward, and I took that as her answer.

I followed after her, keeping my head turned so that I didn’t inadvertently make eye contact with the woman.

She looked like the talking type, and I wasn’t in the mood to talk right then.

Maybe not ever.

At least not after the shift I’d just gone through.

“You!” she hissed. “What are you doing here?”

I nearly groaned.

Then, in answer, I looked down at Sister, and then up at the woman.

The woman with the messy, curly blonde hair, big blue eyes, and freckles splattering her cheeks. She was fucking cute.

“I’m walking my dog,” I supplied helpfully.

She pursed her lips, and then her eyes dropped, seeming to take in the dog at my side for the first time.

“Pretty,” she said. “All white.”

I nodded, then gestured to her dog. “All black.”

She shrugged.

“Have a good one.”

Then she walked away, swaying those luscious hips as she went.
