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“Katy?” Dad called out. “Katy!”

I stopped and turned to see my father jogging down the street toward me, looking worried.

“What was that?” he asked as he finally caught me.

My lips were numb.

That was when I passed the hell out.


I came back online what felt like seconds later but must’ve been a bit of time seeing as I was now in Logan’s arms.

It was the rumble of his voice that I woke to.

“Gonna have to take a day off to get fitted for new uniforms,” Logan teased.

“Don’t worry about the uniform,” I heard said in amusement. “I can just hurry the dry cleaners along. And they have your uniforms on file. We’ll get you a new one here…along with more body armor.”

“He can use mine for the time being,” I heard my father reply with amusement.

I blinked open my eyes to see I was on the ground.

Or, I kind of was.

Logan had me cradled between his upraised legs, and his back was to the brick building that I’d been pressed to not too long ago.

I scrambled out of Logan’s lap like I was on fire, turned on my knees, and started patting Logan’s chest.

“Are you okay?” I gasped, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Logan caught my frantically moving hands and pulled me close.

“I’m fine,” he promised.

“Gonna have a hell of a bruise, though,” Lock said. “We haven’t inspected the damage yet. When we got out of the alley, it was to see you on the ground with your head bleeding. Your dad was staunching the flow with his uniform shirt.”

It was then that I felt the pain in my head.

And saw that I did, in fact, have my dad’s uniform shirt in my hands.

My dad was standing there in a white t-shirt and his own body armor, staring at me like I was a nut.

“I can’t believe you fainted.” He shook his head. “What the hell, Katy?”

I ignored him and turned back to Logan.

“Where is Bruno?” I asked.

“Gone,” Lock said. “We got to the end of the alley to see Bruno’s car being driven away with, we assume, Tasia tucked inside.”

“We’ll find him,” Dad promised. “We already have plenty of officers in the area looking for him. And we have a BOLO—be on the lookout—for his car. He’ll be found.”

Was it bad that I hoped that he wouldn’t?

I hoped that he got away, and we never saw him again.

I also hoped that he didn’t hurt Tasia too badly, because I wanted that bitch to go to court. I wanted her to lose her child. I wanted her to lose her freedom. And I wanted her to pay for shooting my man in the chest, even if she had known that he was wearing body armor.

I wanted to watch her go down so hard that she’d never be back up again.

“You okay?”

Logan’s whispered words had me staring up at him with resolve. “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. You?”

He winced. “Gonna hurt tomorrow, but I’m good.”

I pressed my hand against his face.

Then I smacked him on the head.

“Ow! What was that for?” he asked.

“Don’t ever do that again.”

His mouth turned up into a lopsided grin.

“You mean protect you?” he asked.

I narrowed my eyes and said, “Yeah. That was dumb.”

“It wasn’t dumb,” Dad said. “It was good, because had anything happened to you, I’d have lost my shit, and he would’ve followed you to the grave.”

Sadly, his words were so lethally soft that I had a feeling he was speaking the truth.


Lock dropped down until he could see my head. “Ambulance is here.”

I could tell. The blinking red and blue lights were a dead giveaway.

“Oh, look at all the sexy firemen,” I teased.

Logan’s hand squeezed my ass as he stood up with me in his arms, not making a single sound at the added weight of my body in his arms.

“Not a word, darlin’,” he said. “You’re getting checked out.”

I didn’t argue with him.

“So are you, big boy.”

He went to argue, and I narrowed my eyes so hard that his mouth closed tight without saying a word.

“Ohh, and it begins,” I heard said.

That was when I turned my eyes to see Lock’s father hanging out on the edges of the alleyway.

“You.” I pointed at him.

“Me?” he grinned.

I flipped him off, causing him to laugh.

“You know,” he said. “You did that to me when you were seven, and it was just as amusing then, because I know you’re not much more harmful than a pissed off kitten.”

I snuffed. “Mean.”

“Truthful,” Logan rumbled as he stepped into the back of the ambulance.

When the doors shut behind us, the medic asked me a question, but I was too tired to think about what he was asking. I turned and rested my head against Logan’s broad chest.

“I’m just going to rest right here until we get there.”

And that was exactly what I did while Logan answered the medic’s questions.
