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After donning the t-shirt and the too-tight underwear, I rinsed my panties and bra out and hung them over the towel rack to dry. I went into Linc’s bedroom and belly flopped on his bed while he was still in the shower.

And that was the last that I’d remembered until just then, waking up in an empty bed with the house almost completely silent around me.

The only thing I could hear was the air conditioner blowing through the vents in the bedroom.

That’s when I started to notice the smell of the pillow, and my brain started to fire on a few cylinders. Those few cylinders all centering on one thing—my vagina.

Linc could control me whether he was in the room or not. Whether I’d talked to him that day, or whether it’d been weeks. All I really had to do was think about him and things started to get out of control—down there. But having his scent in my nostrils? Yeah, it was a recipe for disaster.

Not that I really thought about what I was doing.

After glancing once at the clock to see that it was barely eight in the morning, I decided that I had time.

Had time for what, you ask?

I had time to masturbate to the smell of the man that I’ve had a crush on for so long that it was getting downright ridiculous. I should’ve moved on years ago. I should’ve ignored my feelings and pursued other more attainable men.

But I didn’t.

Because I was a goner.

I loved the stupid man.

I let my hand skim up the t-shirt that I was wearing, and felt my nipples tighten.

The t-shirt was old and soft, one that had been worn and washed probably a hundred thousand times.

It was one of the ones that he worked out in. I knew because not only had I seen him wearing it before, but I’d also looked at photos of him online—I had him set up as a Google alert—working out with the team in it.

It felt like silk against my hardened nipples.

My legs shifted restlessly under the same covers that Linc curled his body up in every night.

I turned and buried my nose in his pillow, smelling the scent of his shampoo, as well as the beard oil that he put in his beard to keep it shiny and pretty.

I’d bought it for him for Christmas and sent it to him.

He’d sent me nightly pictures for a week showing me how well it tamed his once-untamable beard.

I groaned and let my hand slip underneath the large down comforter I was covered with.

I groaned at the thought that he’d seen me last night and again this morning with so little clothing—possibly seen things that I’d wanted him to take advantage of for a very long time.

I wasn’t a naïve girl anymore.

I knew my body’s wants, likes, and dislikes. I knew that it craved him more than it craved anything else in this world.

All I had to do was think about him. His mouth. The way he would taste. And I was ready to come on the spot.

Kind of like right now, I thought dreamily.

My hand slipped under the band of his boxer briefs, hurriedly finding that tiny little bud between my labia that begged for his touch.

It was distended and swollen. Ready.

I licked my lips as I circled the tiny nub.

Then I started to daydream about what he would do to me. What he could’ve done to me last night—what I would’ve liked for him to do to me last night.

He walked out of the shower and saw me laying there, sprawled out on my belly in his bed, stopping momentarily to enjoy the sight.

The towel that was wrapped around his waist wasn’t the least bit effective at hiding his erection.

The t-shirt that I wore had ridden up just slightly, putting the bottom curve of my ass, and the faintest hint of pussy lips on display.

It was enough for him to get ideas.

Ideas that I wholeheartedly wanted him to act on.

He dropped the towel without a care and stalked toward me, his hands planting in the bed as he crawled up between my slightly-parted thighs.

The moment that he was close enough, he dropped down and pulled the boxers down while caressing one ass cheek, stopping once he reached that dimple between both cheeks to bite it.

I shivered in longing, partially asleep, but also semi-aware of what I was offering him by keeping my silence.

I lifted my hips slightly, an invitation for him to do more.

And he took it.

Crawling the rest of the way up, he covered me with his body, and I felt the crest of his cock prodding at my untried entrance.

Without any warm up at all, he went up onto one elbow, shifted his weight, and wrapped his hand around his cock. At the same time, he nudged my legs open farther and notched the head of his cock at my entrance.

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