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Son of a bitch.

“You did say anything…” he pointed out.

He was right.

I did.

And Linc really did mean anything.Chapter 14Don’t lie. You would touch all sorts of weird shit with a ten-foot pole.

-Text from Linc to Conleigh



You can do anything.

Those words haunted me for the rest of the day, and all the while I sat at her house and waited for her to get off, I thought about what I was about to do to her.

The plans I’d made with the club to go out to dinner—cancelled.

The scheduled visit to see Hoax in the hospital before that—rescheduled.

Hell, there wasn’t a single thing that I hadn’t prepared for. Everyone knew, even my goddamn agent, that I was taking the night off from all responsibilities.

My social media account would go quiet for a full twelve hours—something that was unheard of seeing as I was forced to update it with something stupid at least once in all of that time.

Sure, I could’ve pawned that off on someone, but I also didn’t like not being in control of what I ‘said’ on social media.

Now, all I needed was Conleigh to walk through the door.

Which she was supposed to be doing any second now.

My phone vibrated, and I glanced at it, wondering if I should bother reaching for it or not.

Then I heard the distinct vibration of Conleigh’s car pulling into the driveway and shutting off, making me realize that my phone could go missing and I wouldn’t give a single shit.

I closed my eyes and heard the thump of her car door closing, then felt my abdominals tighten in anticipation.

With each step she took, my anticipation grew—along with my cock.

By the time she had her hand on the knob and was pushing the door in, I felt like every nerve ending in my entire body was a live wire.

Her eyes were downcast, and she was typing something into her phone while juggling her phone, keys, and large RTIC cup in her hand.

The door swung shut behind her, and still, she didn’t look up.

I would’ve laughed at how exceptionally unobservant she was if I didn’t find it endearing.

“Hey, Linc!” Conleigh yelled, unaware that I was less than five feet from her. “Where are you? Why is Pru saying we’re not going to dinner with them anymo— oh, hey! What are you doing there?”

Finally, she looked at me, a frown pulling down the corners of those luscious lips.

“I’m waiting for you,” I replied honestly.

“I’d invited Pru to go with us tonight, and she just texted me saying that she heard from Hoax—though no idea why she is even talking to him. That’s something I’m going to have to drag out of her tomorrow—that we weren’t going anymore. Speaking of which, Hoax was looking fairly good.” She paused. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Because I want to fuck the absolute hell out of you until you forget how to pronounce words.

“Come here,” I ordered, patting the couch.

Her eyes went to the donuts that were on the coffee table in front of me. “You better not have eaten all of my powdered donuts. I just bought those yesterday.”

She had.

In fact, I’d been the one to tell her not to get them because they were just full of fat and useless, pointless carbs.

But, they did have their benefits…which I was about to show her.

That was if she ever came to me and stopped staring at me as if she was trying to figure out a confusing puzzle.

“Did you go run or something?” she asked, eyeing my shorts.

No, I know how much you love me in workout shorts, so I decided to wear them so I could further torture you.

“No, today’s rest day, remember?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re acting weird.”

Nevertheless, she slipped her shoes off—I’d never once seen her walk through the house with the shoes that she wore to work on—and dropped her things in the chair that was across the coffee table from me.

The next thing to go was her jewelry, which she placed on the coffee table. Her phone quickly followed suit.

Then she began emptying her pockets.

Band-Aids, alcohol swabs, still-packaged needles, tape.

All the while she kept her eyes on mine.

She did glance down at the bag of donuts and looked relieved that I hadn’t helped myself to them all…yet.

Eventually, though, she made her way around the coffee table and stopped just a few inches short of actually touching me.

The moment she did, I grinned. “Take off your clothes.”

“What? Why?” she asked, stepping back.

I caught her wrist in one hand and tugged her until she stood between my splayed thighs. “You said anything.”

Her pupils dilated.


“You said anything,” I repeated.

A tiny smirk kicked up the corner of her mouth. “I did.”

Without any further conversation, she stripped her shirt off over her head, and then slowly stepped out of her scrub bottoms.
