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I let the tension leave my body, and the mammoth amount of fear, anxiety and pain washes out in one big rush. I collapse back on Asher, his arms tightening around me, and I say a silent prayer that everything is going to be okay.

I look over at Maddox moments before my eyes close and the stress of the situation bleeds from my body. He meets my gaze, gives me a nod and a warm smile.

His approval that I did the right thing.

Yes, everything is going to be just fine.

I close my eyes, my head resting against Asher’s chest, his heartbeat thumping against my ear. The voices around me—making plans and finalizing decisions—lull me into a deep sleep.

Chapter 30 – Chelcie

Things started rolling quickly after that. When they made the calls they needed to make—and showed the heavy evidence that Asher had collected against Dominic—it was a whirlwind of crazy. It seemed like hundreds of men ascended on our small town.

Asher and all of the guys seem to live in the office. I overheard Izzy telling Dee that Maddox has even been sleeping a few nights there between his computer searching. Asher makes a point to come home each night; I think he needs it just as much as I do. But either way, I’m happy that his arms are wrapped tight around me when I drift off.

Sway called an emergency meeting today, so I’ve been waiting for Dee to swing by and pick me up before we head over to the salon. It’s the Thursday before the big meet is supposed to happen, and the guys are spending a few more hours in the office going over last-minute business. I know Asher is struggling with his decision, but I also know that he’s made the right one, and I’ll do my best to help him come to terms with that.

“How are you today, Ms. Avery?” Joe asks when I step into the lobby. Dee just called saying that she was ten minutes away and to “be ready so we don’t miss the show.”

“I’m doing well, Joe. Thank you for asking. How are you doing? Anything exciting happening in the building?”

“Oh, just the same old same old. We got a few new renters—one right on your floor and some on the lower floors. Had a dog steal Mrs. Marks’s wig right off her head the other day. Never thought I would see the day that woman ran after something,” he laughs.

“I bet that was a sight to see. Did she run with her walker?”

Mrs. Marks is a mean old lady who is pushing ninety-five. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her move quicker than shuffle speed. The thought of her running after a dog has uncontrollable giggles escaping. By the time Dee walks into the lobby, Joe and I are in peals of laughter, the sound booming through the otherwise quiet lobby.

“Hey, Joe!” Dee sings.

“Well, hello there, Ms. Dee! What a pleasure it is to see you. I hope everything is going well with that man of yours.”

“Hey, how come you never call me Ms. Chelcie?”

He looks confused for a second before a smirk curls his winkled lips. “Ms. Avery, you’ve never asked me to,” he jests.

“Oh, well…please do.”

Both Dee and Joe laugh at my embarrassment.

“He’s amazing, Joe. We’re getting married soon. Can you believe it?”

“Yes, Ms. Dee, I can believe it.” He looks over at me and I know it’s coming before he opens his mouth. “And I hear there’s a congratulations in order for you and Mr. Cooper as well?”

I hear Dee gasp, and before I can answer Joe, she snatches my hand in hers. “Holy shit,” she mumbles. “Holy shit! You didn’t tell me?”

“Thanks, Joe. I’m extremely happy.”

He gives me a nod and I make quick work of saying our goodbyes. Dee doesn’t let go of my hand the entire time.

We climb into her car—after she was kind enough to let go of my hand—and she gives me a second to buckle my seatbelt before turning on me, the questions flying rapidly out of her mouth.

“How did he ask? Ohmigod! When did it happen? Were you shocked? I bet you cried. Have you set a date? We should go look at dresses this weekend. Well, maybe we should wait until after the baby comes before we do that,” she giggles. “Holy shit, Chelcie. Everyone is going to freak out! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Jesus, Dee, take a breather. We didn’t tell anyone. There hasn’t been a chance. We were planning on telling you guys after everything settled down some more.”

“I’m so happy for you, for both of you. You deserve this happiness. All three of you do.”

“Thank you. I’m unbelievably happy.”

“Sway is going to freak!”
