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This time Janice’s voice had been as cold as his, her look taking in the guilty expression on the other woman’s face. “I did not know that either and I believe that it is against rules to push for your friends...perhaps the board should be taking a better look at you...not Sara”

With that she gave Sara another wide smile congratulating her again before shaking Darius’ hand, he giving her a wide return smile. Turning she then moved away, Beth chasing after her as she tried to explain, her voice high and whining.

Finally alone Sara turned to look at Darius, confusion filling her lovely features. “How?...”, all she managed before he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, his mouth falling to take hers in a kiss full of fire and heat, Sara groaning as her arms flew around his neck, clutching at him as she kissed him back. Pulling back she felt the bubble of happiness rising within her as she stared up at him with eyes which shone with wonder.

“How did you know about Beth? What?” her eyes widening as stunned shock filled her, “Engaged!!!?” Darius smiled happily back at her as he gently kissed the tip of her nose. “I have spoken with the doctor and they are letting Carly home in two days...I have organised for her to be moved into a private room with a bed for you”, a grin filled his handsome features. “I got the feeling that you would not want to leave her”

“I...well no” she agreed, still watching him, her features full of so many questions, a mysterious expression filling his. “Tonight when she is asleep...let me take you out for dinner”, her look of concern making him place a finger on her lips. “I promise that I will have you back here so that you are here for her waking”, his eyes so serious, “We need to talk Sara...alone”

“W...what about what you said?” she stuttered as he stepped back, a mysterious smile on his lips. “I will pick you up at eight...she should be asleep by then right?”, he questioned as she nodded, Darius spun around and moved back down the corridor, Sara watched him silently until he was out of sight, her mind a whirl of confusion.

Still stunned and with so many emotions flying through her, Sara had little time to ponder what he said; as soon after he disappeared down the corridor, Carly was wheeled back from post-op, a nurse leading Sara to their luxurious private room. She held the hand of the little girl, so frail and tiny on the large bed, her heart swelling as she had been able to tell her that when she left the hospital it would be to go home with her, the happiness on the small child’s face despite the pain she was in filling her once more with relief.

That Darius turned around the situation in which she lost Carly there was no doubt, but she was still stunned as to why he had, why he defended her and offered everything that would be needed for her to still be considered a suitable care-giver for the little girl? Frowning she wondered if this was his new way of gaining a hold on her, ensuring that she did not leave him, the situation in which he planned to throw her out having changed, both of them knowing it.

With a small frown she wondered why this did not seem so bad, when Nigel’s attempts to do the same had been unthinkable. Smiling softly she knew that Darius did not and no doubt never would love her, but he still desired her, a hint of sadness touching her soft mouth as she was reminded at how the same situation had turned out with Nigel and herself.

Taking a deep breath, she again kissed Carly’s small hand. She was nothing like Nigel, she would live with Darius for as long as he wanted her, Sara instinctively knowing that he would never see she or Carly left homeless when their affair ended, this sad thought not filling her with relief but a pain which sat deep down in her stomach. He had blackmailed her into his bed, but falling in love with him had been her own choice. Sara knew that she would love him for the rest of her life, wondering if with all that she had gone through for him six years ago she had always loved him.

At eight, as promised, Darius appeared. He smiled at the small child still asleep, her small body almost lost in the large adult bed, one arm draped over the teddy bear he had picked out himself. “How is she?” he whispered, reaching out to take Sara’s hand. She gave him a large smile, Darius seeing how relaxed she seemed, as though a great weight had been lifted from her body.

“She is fine. Has all the nurses wrapped around her finger though”, chuckling as he flicked another look at her. “And why wouldn’t they? She has got to be one of the cutest little kids I have ever seen” The honesty of his words made Sara swallow hard, the lump in her throat the only thing holding down the tears, tears of happiness. “Yes she is”, she confirmed, as together the two moved from the room.

“Dinner?” He asked softly, as Sara gave a nod. “Yes...but Darius...what about?” He pulled her around, silencing her with a kiss, the kiss full of fire, Sara whimpered, her body swaying as he pulled back. “Not here...we will talk later...when we are alone”, his fingers pressing the elevator button as she meekly followed behind him.

It was only as they reached the street - Darius not ushering her into a car but moving down the sidewalk - that she began asking where they were going, as he gave a soft chuckle.

“What is it with women? Always asking questions”, his eyes full of playfulness. When he moved into the hotel next door to the hospital, she frowned, her brows knitting in confusion but holding back the questions as he pulled her into yet another elevator.

Finally they moved to a suite, Darius leading her into the small dining room, the smell of food making her mouth water with the realisation that she had only eaten that morning, too upset with the drama of almost losing Carly and then busy looking after the little girl. She stared intently at Darius, determined to have some answers as he pulled a seat out for her. “Darius...what is going on?” her voice sure as he grinned back at her. “First we eat. You still look pale, and I bet you didn’t eat all day”

Giving an irritated sigh, she told him that she had eaten breakfast, a fact that seemed to matter little to him as he placed a plate before her ordering her to eat. Lifting the cutlery, she decided that she would get answers faster if she just did as he asked, finding herself enjoying the mouth-watering chicken dish. “I thought that you would be in Italy”, her soft voice saw his head lift to look intently at her before a big grin filled his features, his hand moving to take hers. “There are some things that are more important” Sara gave a small nod, her eyes betraying the depth of her thanks to him, as he directed her to eat more before she could say anymore.

The loud knock on the door of the suite as they were finishing the meal made Sara jump, her eyes flying to his questioningly. “Who?” all she had time to ask as he rose to his feet, a large grin on his face. She heard him talking to another man, unable to make out what was being said as she sat back impatiently, waiting for his return.

“OK...I have eaten - can we please talk about this afternoon?” she cried as he once more entered the dining room. In his hand he clutched a large brown envelope, a satisfied expression on his face. With a chuckle he took her hand and pulled her over to a couch, the two sitting together facing each other, Darius looking deeply into her eyes.

“I am so sorry Sara” She had not known what to expect, but an apology had not been it, Sara giving him a wavering smile, “For what? I nearly lost Carly...and you stepped in like a knight in shining have nothing to be sorry about” He grinned softly, his fingers entwining within hers. “I blackmailed you to be with me...I blamed you for my getting fired...but none of that was ever true was it Sara?” Sara gave a sad smile, “No...I told you that” Darius nodded softly as he sighed wearily, “I went to see Ted Roberts today”

She gasped loudly, her eyes opening wider. “I asked him about that day six years ago that I was fired, and he told me everything. He told me that your father was determined to have me put into prison” Sara gave a sad confirming nod, “Yes...he didn’t like you. You stood up to him and he didn’t like that” She felt as his hand squeezed hers gently. “He also told me that you stood up for me. Told him that if he went through with an arrest then you would cause a fuss, not something your father wanted his ‘friends’ to know about”

Sara grimaced at the memory of how furious her father had been his face red with anger. “He really didn’t like you”, she chuckled, as he gave a small laugh back. “There was one thing that Ted said that really made me think” Sara’s eyes looked back at his questioningly. “He said that your father told you that if he just fired me then you would owe him a big favour” Darius felt as Sara stiffened, her look becoming wary. “I remember when you told me that you agreed to marry Nigel that your father had forced the issue because you ‘owed him big’” Sara looked away, her teeth savaging her lips.

“Did you marry Nigel because of a deal you made with your father Sara? A deal made to keep me out of prison?” A pained groan left her lips as her eyes flew back to his. “He told me that the charges would still stand up in court because he had kept all of the evidence, and would make it appear that you had fled the country to avoid being arrested. He told me that it would be very easy to have Darius Larosa found and charged” A rueful smile came to her lips, “Wish I had known that you changed your name. I just didn’t want to see you in prison”
