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She lay with her back on the soft silky duvet, pulling herself half up and resting her weight on her elbows as he smiled at her. The smile was roguish, full of intent as his eyes trailed down every perfect inch of her body, his look scorching her as she blushed both with embarrassment and with desire. As his eyes fell on the blonde hair at the apex of her thighs she swallowed, the cry pulled from her as he slid down low and pulled her legs apart, his arm laid over her pelvis to stop her from moving.

“N...No Darius” she panted, even as his mouth descended to the heat of her, a long rattling sigh leaving her as her head flew backwards, her body once more falling heavily on the bed. His mouth had been determined, sliding along her as he licked and sucked her with such devastating accuracy, Sara feeling the small sob on her lips as her hands gripped his head, holding him, encouraging him.

She was completely lost in the sensations that he was raising within her, sensations so foreign to her, totally unable to control the cries and pleading for him not to stop; aware of the strange tingling that filled her, tingling which seemed to be growing and unfurling in her belly. When he pulled back, she gave a disappointed groan, her eyes flying open, searching, a growl of desire torn from her as he stood pushing the pants from himself, her eyes feasting hungrily on his body, widening at the size of him.

Darius slid back onto the bed, his mouth once more seeking hers, the kiss demanding as she tasted herself on his tongue, the knowledge making her sigh softly as her hands clutched at his shoulder, fingers scraping down his back. “Tell me you’re on the pill Sara”, his voice was tense, breathless, Sara only able to nod against him as he raised himself over her, his relieved throaty growl sending tremors through her quivering body before with one long sure thrust he entered her, sheathing himself fully within her small body.

Sara bucked under him as her body held him so tightly, the feel of her muscles clamped down on him tearing a moan from Darius as he began to slowly thrust within her, Sara’s legs wrapped around his hips as she rose with him, clinging to his arms. She felt his breathing change, become more ragged as he began to drive into her, faster, deeper, her body welcoming him as she cried out his name. Her feet slid down his legs, small whimpers leaving her as she embraced everything about this man, his blackmail of no interest as the two raced together towards some unknown finish, Sara with him every step of the way, as his mouth once more took hers, stifling all sounds as she shared his breath.

Sara felt the waves rise, gasping in shock, not aware as she wrenched her mouth from his, her head thrown back as she cried out, “What is that!”, before her body exploded into a thousand tiny pinpricks of pleasure, each sending heated ecstasy firing throughout her entire body. Panting and crying out, she bucked against Darius, unaware of his relieved growl as the tempo of his thrusts became frantic, his breathing becoming heavier before he too took one final surge, sheathing himself fully within her, his every bit as powerful as hers. His cries joined hers, until silence once more fell, broken only by the two dragging in lungfuls of air, Darius falling heavily over Sara.

She stared at the ceiling, her eyes wide with disbelief. Now she knew, now finally she understood what her friends had talked about. She fought the urge to move her arms around him and kiss his cheek. To him this was revenge, a means to make her pay for the past. It meant nothing else to him; Sara was afraid to show the intensity of her experience. Biting her lip she remained silent and still under him, until he finally pushed himself from her, rolling over onto his back, his breathing still ragged, one arm over his head.

Darius was the first to speak, turning his head to look at her. “What is that?”, he repeated softly, his voice full of disbelief as Sara groaned, wishing that she had held back the words, knowing that she had been unable to hold anything back in that final moment of release. He watched as she savaged her lip, not willing to meet his look, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. “Are you telling me that you never had an orgasm before?” Even in the darkness he could see how she flushed. “I...I would rather not...” she began, Darius cutting over her with determination. “We had an agreement remember. You answer all my questions honestly”

With a soft groan, she shook her head minutely, “No”, falling from her lips as he stared back at her in stunned surprise. “You were married six months...are you telling me that not once?” Shaking her head more firmly she cleared her throat nervously. “Technically we were only together one month...we were separated five before the divorce...and of the month we were together, one week was spent at my mother’s helping with my father’s we didn’t...”, her voice trailing off weakly.

She heard as he shifted to lie on his side, his head resting on the palm of his hand as he looked down at her, flicking her eyes to him seeing the way he frowned, his eyes narrowed. “So you divorced him because he was a lousy lover?” Groaning loudly, she tried to move to the side of the bed, her intention to leave as his arm flashed out, holding her down, his hand angling her head to him so that he could watch her face. “Please Darius...I really do not want to talk about my marriage”, her voice holding a pleading note as he shook his head. “No...Unless this is the one secret you wish to keep...then tell me” He saw as her eyes closed softly in defeat before she began talking.

“Nigel and I were friends...when he started to try and date me I was flattered...but not interested. My father had just been diagnosed with cancer and he knew he didn’t have much time. He begged me to marry Nigel” Pausing, she seemed to pull herself together. “I had been at university for four years, not been there to help the company when my father needed it... and well, I owed him. He called in the favour and eventually I agreed. Nigel was over the moon - told me that he was OK with knowing that I didn’t love him...that he knew I would grow to love we got married” Growing silent she hoped that he would leave it at that, however his soft voice dashed that hope.

“That is all good and well, not exactly romantic Sara...but still does not answer why you divorced” He saw the way her tongue ran nervously along her mouth, surprised at the tug of desire which pulled on his groin from this simple action so soon after the earth shattering he had just experienced. “We had been married two weeks, and I had not long come back from my mother’s, when he asked me to accompany him to a dinner which he had been invited to at the last minute. I had a previous engagement and said no...and ...he became furious. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall”

His sharp intake of breath made something shrivel up inside her as she continued, “Instantly he was all full of apologies. Told me that he loved me so much that it was tearing him apart that I didn’t feel the same way...he made me feel like it was somehow my fault” Her eyes met his, seeing the anger within them, an anger she knew not aimed at her. “I forgave him” She gave a humourless half-laugh, her expression becoming contemptuous of herself. “I never understood why women would allow themselves to stay in an abusive relationship...but there I was forgiving him” She grew silent as the memories flooded her mind, his soft voice prompting her to continue.

“Then what happened?” Swallowing once more, she shuddered slightly “a couple of weeks later I accidentally dropped one of his trophies, gave it a small dent. He was livid. I promised to take it and have it repaired but he was like an animal. He hit me...hard, and I fell against the table knocking myself out” This time she heard the loud hiss of air sucked in. “When I woke up my head was bleeding and Nigel was in a state of panic. I think he thought he had killed me. He kept telling me over and over again that he was sorry...that he hadn’t meant it. I needed a doctor, but he wouldn’t let me get to the phone. He just kept telling me I must have tripped, he was solely concerned that nobody know what he had done and only agreed to call the ambulance when I promised not to tell anybody how it happened”

Taking another long breath she finished, “After the hospital I never went back. I told him that I wanted a divorce and moved in with my friend Tara. He tried to get me to come back, but when it became obvious that I would not he told me that if I told anybody what had happened that he would drag me into court, would hold up the divorce for as long as possible. At first I didn’t care - I was going to take him all the way but life has a way of changing priorities” Darius heard the sadness creep into her tone as she gave herself a shake. “So I agreed and we divorced quietly with a no-fault settlement” She could feel the disbelief from the man at her side.

“Why the hell would you let a creep like that away with what he you have any idea of the rumours he is spreading about you? He accuses you of having affairs, making it impossible for him to continue with the marriage”, his eyes narrowing even further. With a soft nod, she looked back at him, the sadness still so evident. “I know what he is saying Darius...but like I said sometimes life has a way of changing your priorities. I do not care what he says...I don’t care what any of them say. But the last thing I needed was a public show of the breakup of my marriage. I wanted out as quietly as possible”

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