Page 29 of The Wedding Deal

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“You eat less than a sparrow” she had chided “You will end up making yourself sick”

However, Tessa had only dropped a small kiss on the woman’s cheek.

“Thank you for caring” she had added with a small sad smile.

Towards the end of Alexis having been away for two weeks, Tessa had looked around the kitchen, half-heartedly wondering what to make for dinner, before giving up, the thought of food unappealing. It was Mrs Lowe’s day off, and as usual she had gone to visit her sister, and the house seemed quiet and empty, just as she felt. As the phone had rang, she had picked it up wearily, feeling her spirits rise on hearing Andrew’s voice.

“Hey….” he had cried his voice happy “How is married life treating you?”

Tessa realised that he had known nothing of her pregnancy or of the loss of the child and she had tried to sound as breezy as she could.

“Great…. you sound happy” she had added.

“Oh Tessa, I have some wonderful news” he had blurted out.

“They caught him”

Tessa had frowned slightly in confusion, before realisation had come across her.

“They caught him?” she had repeated blankly.

Andrew had laughed happily.

“Yes……..they caught him, recovered most of the money, and the tax people have been in touch. My name is clear and they are going to throw the book at the guy”

For the first time in many weeks Tessa had laughed.

“Oh Andrew, I am so happy………….you have no idea how happy” she had breathed gently, a feeling of hope suddenly filling her, hearing the relief in his voice.

“Tessa, I don’t know how to thank you……..for stopping me” he had continued, the emotions so strong in his voice as she had laughed softly.

“Andrew, I am only glad I was there that day, and that I could help” she had said gently.

“You have always been there for me…………I’m glad I could be there for you”

As her friend had rung off, she had sat heavily down on the chair. Her mind in a turmoil as so many emotions churned painfully within her. She had married Alexis to save Andrew, had been effectively blackmailed into the deal by her grandfather who was more interested in mineral rights than people. However, now things had changed. There was now no threat to Andrew, and she had a way out of the lifestyle that Alexis expected her to lead. Tessa realised that she could no longer stand back and watch as he continued with his affairs. She deserved to be happy. She deserved to be with somebody who loved her. Her heart breaking that it would not be with the man she loved, the man her heart cried out for. The man who right now was in the arms of another woman.

After a few moments she had moved back upstairs, retrieving the suitcase she had brought with her the first week she had moved into his home, the home she had come to love. Quickly she had packed her clothes into the bag, leaving the many tail dresses she had acquired since her short marriage on the hangers in the closet. This was not her world, not the world of a dance instructor. Sadly she had touched each, the memories of being held in Alexis’s arms filling her mind, her imagination punishing her with the memories of how his hands had felt on her back, his body holding her tight to him and his aftershave enveloping her. With a quick movement she had closed the door, wishing it was that easy to push him from her mind. When finished she had sat next to the phone waiting for his call.

For many hours she had sat, her whole body tense, waiting. When the phone had finally rang she had answered for the first time in many weeks having more than just pleasantries to swap with him. His voice had once more been polite, asking her how she was feeling; only this time she had not given him her banal “fine” response.

“I feel hurt” she had said softly, instinctively feeling the surprise on the other end.

“I can’t keep doing this Alexis” she had continued. Hearing his voice suddenly sharper,

“What does that mean?” he had asked quickly.

“It means I’m leaving you” she had replied, hearing the intake of breath from him.

“I’m packed …….and am leaving after this call” she had finished.

“No…” he had cried, his voice clipped.

“We had an agreement……… are my wife” he cried, an anger and something else in his voice.

Closing her eyes in pain she had bit her lip.

“I will contact a lawyer about the divorce……….there are no children to make this difficult” she had felt her voice falter, the hurt of this hitting her once more.

“No Tessa. Stay there. We need to talk” she heard him cry down the line, as she had shaken her head.

“We have nothing to talk about Alexis……you made that perfectly clear in the hospital……….but don’t worry I will abide by our agreement……….there will be no financial demands from me”

On the other end of the line she could hear his voice grow quieter.

“Tessa please………..” as she had dashed away a tear slowly winding down her cheek.

“Goodbye Alexis…………be happy” she had said before hanging up the phone.

As the phone had rung again she had lifted the receiver, hanging up knowing it to be Alexis and leaving it on the side of the table so that he could not ring again.

With her whole body shaking, she had moved upstairs retrieving her suitcase before coming back down and phoning a taxi followed by the one person in the world who she could run to, who would make everything OK, who would hold her close and sooth her as she had when she had been a child.

Locking up the house, she had felt sad. Not all her time had been unhappy, in fact she had for the most part found a place she could call home, a place she had been happy. With people whom she could call friends and Alexis, swallowing hard at the knowledge that he would never again hold her in his arms. She expected that he would punish her for desertion and breaking their contract, but he was a practical man and he would move on from her quickly, his only annoyance being that he would have to once more start wife hunting. The fact that she would so easily be replaced hurting her even more.

The taxi had pulled into the station and she had only just caught the train for her destination, relieved to not have to wait around for the four hours until the next one. As she had switched back on her mobile phone to give the time of her arrival to the person she knew would be waiting for her, she had seen the many missed calls from Alexis causing her to once more feel the tears rise to her eyes. Selecting them all she had deleted them without opening any of them, not prepared to hear his angry voice demanding her to stay or threatening her with legal action.

The two hour journey had seemed to pass in minutes, as Tessa sat staring sightlessly out of the window surprised at how soon the train had pulled into the familiar station. After hoisting the case onto the platform, she had scanned the area for a familiar face.


The sound of the voice, had made her snap around, seeing the older woman behind her.

“Maggie……….Oh Maggie” she had cried, running forword and throwing herself into Maggie Spiers arms.

The tall handsome woman had said nothing, just held her, as the younger woman had cried into her shoulder. She had wrapped her arms protectively around Tessa gently stroking her hair as she made soft comforting noises.

“It’s OK Tessy bear” she had soothed, the familiarity of this name forcing a smile onto Tessa’s lips. She was safe; she was finally safe and loved.

Maggie Spiers had gently directed Tessa to her large car, watching as the younger woman had stowed her bag in the boot. On the journey home, she had made small talk, instinctively knowing to give Tessa time and space, knowing that the younger woman would tell her everything when she was good and ready and not before.

As they had moved down the winding road leading up to Maggie’s small farm house Tessa had felt her body start to relax, smiling warmly over at the other woman.

“It’s good to be home” she had breathed, the smile on her lips still not hiding the hurt in her eyes.

“It’s good to have you back Tessy bear” had been the reply, adding gently,

“And you can stay here as long as you want ……you know that”

Tessa had nodded, not able to speak as emotions had once more flooded over her.

Maggie had continued talking as she had led Tessa to an all too familiar room laughing.

“I haven’t even changed this room… your room” she had smiled, as Tessa had looked around, the memories returning to her, seeing her old posters and some of the Teddy’s she had loved so much.

“Thank you Maggie”

She had felt as an arm had gone around her shoulder, pulling her close again, before Maggie had turned to leave.

“You unpack, have a shower, and settle in. I’ll put the kettle on”, and with that she was gone.
