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"Stick to the clubwhores," I said, shaking my head at him. "Leave the poor innocent ones alone."

"Oh, but the innocent vibe is the best. See that white skirt and the confused little pouting mouth? Fuck if she wouldn't look sweet with it wrapped around my cock."

"Thanks for that visual," I said with a head shake. "I'm gonna need a gallon of vodka to get that shit out of my head."

"You coulda had her though. You know that, right? One sentence showing interest, and she would have been all over your dick."

I huffed out a laugh. "She had an appointment."

"You know, I just don't get you, man. All those good looks for fucking nothing. If I had that fucking hulking body and that face, I'd be drowning in fucking pussy. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then two snacks of snatch in between."

"Shred, I've never known the clubwhores to not be ready and willing to suck or fuck you anytime you crook a finger."

"Yeah, man," he said, shaking his head and looking out at the street. "But sometimes that's too easy, y'know? Sometimes you want the chase."

Yeah, well, I couldn't exactly say I disagreed.

Sometimes you just needed a fuck to get the energy out of your system. In those instances, it was nice to know there were half-naked women one room away who would let you take them any way you wanted with no strings.

But, in general, that shit was unsatisfying at best.

Shredder was right; it was too easy.

That being said, girls like that Penny chick with her doll-like face didn't deserve to get herself wrapped up with the likes of us. First, because save for some of the older members like Reign, Cash, Wolf, and Repo, none of us were the settling down sort. And girls like that, even if they were into the idea of a fuck, generally wanted more than that from a man. Second, because we would corrupt whatever way she might have looked at the world.

I'd seen and been involved with enough ugliness and filth in the world to want to protect whatever pretty and clean I could find.

Penny was pretty and clean.

And no matter what my dick thought about it, I was going to let her stay that way.

Even if the idea of her pretty mouth around my cock quickly replaced the image Shredder put into my head.

It wasn't going to happen.TWODukeI liked kids. I think it was impossible to not like kids when you grew up and lived around literally dozens of them at all times. As a kid, it was great because friends and partners-in-crime were to be found everywhere. As an adult, I dunno, you were so used to the sounds and drama that you hardly even registered it. It was background noise.

It was lucky that I had that past though, because the main guys of the club, yeah, they liked fucking their women a lot. This was proven by the fact that they each had a bunch of mini-thems running around the compound during daylight hours.

Reign and Summer had the oldest one, Ferryn, someone that had all the bikers who could put up with kids wrapped around her bossy little nine-year old finger. And, being that she was her father's first born, she practically lived at the club.

While I was tying up the balloons for Seth's, Repo and Maze's son, birthday, she was there at my side telling me all the ways I was fuckin' it up. My words, not hers. I apparently sucked at putting up balloons. Who knew that was possible?

"Ferryn, come help me ice the cupcakes," Summer called, as if somehow knowing her daughter was getting a bit overbearing.

Ferryn ran off to help her mother who was about six months pregnant with the president's third kid, leaving me to silently finish with the balloons. Everyone would be along in the next half an hour or so. All the men, their old ladies, the ankle biters. And there would even be some friends of the club and their families around as well. It was a pretty big event for a third birthday. But, then again, no one would ever pass up an excuse to party. Even if said party was cuss-lite and alcohol-free until the kiddos went to bed.

Seth ran up to me when he and his mother showed up. "I'm three!" he declared, holding up four fingers.

Maze moved in beside him, tucking one of his fingers into his palm. "That's three," she reminded him in a patient way that implied she had had to do so multiple times already that day.

"Hey, Ace, how ya' feeling?" I asked, knowing Repo had knocked her up again recently.

"Why do you call Mommy 'Ace'?" Seth asked, but ran off before I could answer to go play with Shoot and Amelia's girls, Bri and Alexis, who were closest to his age.

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