Page 112 of Pucked Off (Pucked 5)

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When the team leaves the ice at the end of the game, heading for the locker room, Lance stops at our row. Violet is at the end, and I’m a few seats in. He says something to Violet, and there’s a bit of back and forth before he motions to me.

April tugs on my arm. “He wants to talk to you.”

I get up unsteadily, feeling his gaze as I make my way down the aisle. His eyes dart over my face and down my body. I feel like I’m being consumed from the look alone.

“You’ll come out with the girls after the game?”

“I can.”

His arms are full of gear. His hair is soaked with sweat. His face is red from exertion. He’s gorgeous.

“And we can talk? If you’re ready.”

“I’m ready. We can talk.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.” He hesitates, his eyes darting to my lips like he wants to kiss me. I wouldn’t mind if he did, although the location is highly public. Public is what I’ve been saying I wanted, but I’d like to keep any affection fairly PG considering the number of bunnies in the arena. No need to invite drama if I don’t have to.

Lance must sense my nervousness, because he graces me with another one of his grins, takes my hand in his, and brings my knuckles to his lips. Very PG. The sound he makes is inaudible over the noise, but I feel the hum on my skin. Flashes go off around us.

“Come on, Romance. You’re holding up the team.” A player knocks his shoulder.

His head snaps up, and he gives the guy a dirty look before turning back to me. “I’ll be as quick as I can getting to you.” He clomps off and disappears down the hall toward the locker room.

Most of the girls are buzzed and silly as we make our way out of the arena and back to the limo. Logan is asleep again.

“Does he ever make noise?” I ask Sunshine.

“Only at three in the morning when we’re all supposed to be sleeping peacefully.” She’s smiling, though, and patting his bottom. “Mostly he can sleep through anything; otherwise I wouldn’t have him out. And Miller’s parents are taking him for the afternoon tomorrow, so I’ll be able to make up whatever sleep I miss tonight.” She gives me a wink. “Nap time with Miller is my favorite.”

Lily falls into step beside me. “I thought cookie time was your favorite.”

Sunny blushes and twirls a lock of hair around her finger. “That too.”

At my confused expression, Lily’s smile grows wider. “That’s what Miller calls oral. Randy calls it beard conditioning.”

I clap a hand over my mouth and laugh. I’d ask if they’re always so open, but I assume the amount of sex Lance and I had is normal for this crowd, so these conversations must be fairly regular.

I’m all nerves by the time we get to the bar. And when we enter, it seems the bunnies have multiplied. I didn’t think that was why they called them bunnies. So many girls in short skirts wearing jerseys hang around the bar, watching as we make our way to the closed area. Their jealousy is almost palpable.

We get comfortable and order drinks—I get a Shirley Temple. I settle in with Sunshine on one side of me and April on the other. Logan’s decided now is a good time to wake up.

“Are you comfortable with babies?” Sunshine asks.

“Sure.” I have cousins with little ones, and when I was younger I used to babysit all the time.

“Do you mind?” She holds him out to me. “I can’t find his binky, and there’s a hat I want to put on him before his daddy gets here.”

“Of course!” I slip my arm under his head, and she carefully transfers him into my arms.

He’s small, but he’s got some heft to him. I coo as I turn him around so he can see his mother. He startles at a sudden burst of noise, his wide eyes staring up at me as if I’m the reason behind it.

The team is here. I tear my eyes from the precious little bundle I’ve been entrusted with and look up, searching for the man I’m here for. I spot him across the bar, and his arrival sends a shot of lust from my brain to my girl parts. He’s wearing a navy suit with the jacket unbuttoned, a gray shirt, and a black tie with the team logo on it. He searches the area until his eyes fall on me, his worried expression transforming into a tentative smile.

April makes excited noises beside me.

“Girl, I hope your beaver is ready,” Violet says from across the table. “That look he’s giving you may incinerate the clothes right off your body!”

I’d sacrifice this outfit for that end result.
