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I’m not sure how, but Levi obviously read something in my expression and the grip that he had on my hips changed to helping support me as I moved. On the next plunge down, he stopped me from rising back up again and moved my hips forward and backward, making me clench down around him.

Every time I tried to cry out or make a noise, all that would come out was the sound of air, and it was really starting to piss me off. I wanted to scream out or even yell his name – until seconds later when an orgasm hit me out of nowhere, and then I wanted to be the woman screaming that I was coming. Instead, all I could do was open my mouth and try to get enough oxygen into my lungs to survive it. That might not sound like a hardship, but trust me, it was.

Levi held my eyes through every clench and spasm, and never once stopped moving me up and down his length. I wasn’t sure how he did it because the last thing I had enough of was the cognitive functions to remember to keep moving.

Just as it started to leave me, he pressed his lips against mine and grunted into my mouth, not closing his eyes once as I felt him pulsing inside me.

Remembering what he’d done while I was coming, I ground down into him and then moved my hips slightly, watching as his eyes widened in surprise at the move. With a shuddering breath, he finally closed his eyes and groaned deeply, holding me tightly against him.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I moved so that my face was buried into the side of his neck.

It had to be said, if this was what Amber’s grandmother had meant by life changing at twenty-one, I was going to track her down and give her a bonus. I was also going to enjoy being able to tell Levi ‘I told you so’.

If it meant the more sinister possibility, though, well then I had the best incentive for fighting the hell out of it now.Chapter TenCharlotteShining the torch down my throat, Parker instructed, “Now say ah.”


That was it – hiss. Looking over his shoulder at where Levi was watching us with a frown on his face, I raised my eyebrows at him and then rolled my eyes, making his lips twitch. Yeah, it sucked, but it was still kind of funny.

This morning when I’d woken up, I’d felt like I’d done a weeklong trek on Night Rider’s back up the side of Everest. The medications that I was still taking to help with the swelling in my throat had been waiting for me and they’d worked on the other aching areas, but it still wasn’t a comfortable morning.

That was until Levi ran me a bath with those blessed Epsom Salts of his. I was starting to think that the cure for everything was to add those things to hot water, and if that was the case I was tempted to soak my throat in the stuff. Logically speaking, it would mean being immersed face down in the bath so I’d need a snorkel, but if it meant I could scream Levi’s name… I’d snork the hell out of that snorkel.

While I’d been soaking, Parker had called to see if he could come over to look at my throat in an hour, and here we were with me hissing at him. Good times!

Looking down at the screen of his laptop at the x-rays they’d taken when I was in the ER, Parker picked up his phone and looked at something on it.

“You playing Candy Crush, man?” Levi joked, looking nervous.

Wanting to make him smile, I started signing out the only words I knew how to sign.

Hi, my name is Charlotte. I’m your nurse. Can you write down what brought you here today, please?

Sue me, at least I’d started learning it so that I could help more people and keep them in their comfort zones.

Fortunately it worked and he threw his head back as his deep laughter filled the room, making Parker look at him over his shoulder.

Turning back to face me, he raised an eyebrow. “Wanna tell me what that was about?”

So, I did it again, not expecting him to put his phone down and start signing back at me.

Seeing how confused I was by it all, he explained, “I learned sign language so I could speak to all my patients.”

I wasn’t surprised by that at all, the showoff.

Once he’d stopped laughing, Levi moved over to stand beside Parker, his eyes still shining as he looked down at me. “What’s the verdict?”

“Strangulation can cause a number of injuries – the most common being death, which fortunately isn’t the case here,” he winked at me, making Levi snort. “When they did the x-ray and then looked inside her throat, Dr. Laska diagnosed a high degree of bruising and swelling both inside and out. A hematoma around the trachea can cause problems with swallowing, breathing, and talking, and each patient’s recovery is different. Some people’s voices are even changed by it forever.”
