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It was uncharacteristic for me, sure, but I was scared, I was in pain, and this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. More pregnancies and labors went right than wrong, but some still went wrong, and I was terrified something would happen to my son.

I still suffered from PTSD and flashbacks of the night Eric had taken me so I hadn’t been able to get my CNRN yet, but on the whole I was doing well - at least I had been until I’d found out that I was pregnant. After that, all the anxiety and worry had transferred onto the baby I was carrying and whether or not they’d be ok, so having it in a truck in a parking lot was bringing on an anxiety attack of epic proportions.

“I’ll do it,” a deep voice called out, one that was familiar but I just couldn’t place it.

“Fuck off, red cap,” Bonnie hissed, and I blushed at knowing that the pervert was right there.

The anxiety I’d just been feeling was taken over by anger that he was making my precious moment dirty. “Go shove a baseball bat up your ass, you dirty pervert. This is a beautiful moment, and I…” I broke off on a scream as something set my poor cooch on fire.

“Will one of you check her damned vagina,” Ariana yelled, losing patience now. “You need to be ready to catch the baby if he comes out.”

So, with Archer’s back to us, red cap long gone, and Bonnie doing her best not to faint, Dahlia brought my son Niklaus into the world, and passed him to his daddy. He was still attached to his mommy at that moment, so Levi had to step up close to me.

We’d decided on Niklaus because Elijah was going to be his godfather, and as we’d been watching The Originals one night, I’d come up with the idea of pairing the names of the two Mikaelson brothers together. Levi had been surprisingly enthusiastic about it, but when we’d told Elijah he’d burst out laughing thinking that we were joking.

Not about the name, mind you, about him being the godfather. Spoiler alert for him, we weren’t.Read on for news in the note that follows. M xoxLove, Mary xEach character that I write is different. Although some of the backgrounds might be similar, the personalities never are. Whenever I start a book, I have to spend some time thinking about the characters first, remind myself about the other ones personalities, and then figure out exactly how I want them to be inside. It’s not a quick process, but it means that I can understand them all better – especially if it’s a Townsend. Those guys are crazy, they’re deep, they all have their own quirks, and they’re a blast to write. I also fall in love with them quickly.

Why am I telling you this? Well, I knew who Levi was – especially after Until Fools Find Gold – and I knew how I wanted him to be. But I can absolutely confirm that I didn’t expect him to turn out to be a spanky alpha. Until now, Cole and Tate have always been my favorite Townsends, there was just something ‘special’ about the two of them. Now, though, it is absolutely Levi (and Cole, obviously).

I’ll also never be able to listen to Inside by Stiltskin again without blushing – thank you, Levi.

It’s been a big year for the Townsends and Providence Gold, and I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support, your patience, your awesomeness, and to wish all of you the very best for 2020.

Merry Christmas, guys, and I hope you have a wonderful time.

M xox

PS. Oh, and if you didn’t guess by the appearances in the book… the Providence Family Ties series starts in 2020, too. And these aren’t your normal Townsends, hell no. The Townsend-Rossi family are dark, they’re deep, they’re dirty, but they’re also Townsends so we can’t erase that from their stories completely. But it’s a whole new breed of Townsends that starts next year!
