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Shiori nuzzled his throat. “What are you thinking about so hard?”

He placed another kiss on the top of her head. “How I can’t wait until you’re my wife, Mistress.”

“I can’t wait for that either. Shiori Lofgren has a nice ring to it.”

“Yes, it does.” He trailed his fingers up and down her thigh. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

“I love you too.” She kissed the side of his throat.

The gate hinge squeaked.

“Were you expecting someone?” Shiori asked, pushing up to a sitting position.

Knox turned his head, and a dark shape materialized into Ronin Black. Stealthy bastard. He wouldn’t have known the man was there if not for the squeaky gate. “Hey. Pull up a chair.”

“Thanks. Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“You’re always welcome in our home, brother,” Shiori said softly.

Our home. Damn but he loved the sound of that.

“Thanks, Shi. How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ll get sick of that question in the next six months.” She smiled. “Most days I feel great.”

Ronin seemed at a loss as to how to respond.

Shiori set her feet on the ground and stood. “I’m hungry.”

“Want me to fix you a plate?” Knox asked.

“I can do it. I know you guys have stuff to talk about.”

“Nothing you can’t be a part of,” Ronin said. “I didn’t mean to chase you off.”

“You didn’t.”

Knox put his hand on her belly. “I’ll be in to check on you in a bit.”

“No rush.” She bent down and kissed him with enough sweet heat to make his dick stir. Then she turned and ruffled Ronin’s hair. “If your conversation turns to fisticuffs I’m calling Deacon, since I’m not allowed to fight or break fights up anymore.”

“Like we can’t take him,” Knox scoffed.

“I don’t know about taking him,” Ronin said. “Maddox is turning him into a fighting machine.”

“’Bout time he got his shot.” Knox grabbed two Fat Tires, used the opener to pry off the tops, and handed one to Ronin.

“Thanks.” Ronin took a couple of sips before he spoke. “I can’t believe you knocked my sister up.”

“You and me both.”

“Jesus. You’re gonna be a dad.”

“I’ll be a damn good one, if that’s what you’re worried about. Just because I didn’t grow up with one—”

“Hold on. That wasn’t what I was getting at. Not even remotely. Shiori and I essentially grew up without a dad, too. I just had an image of you carrying a diaper bag and baby talking.”

“Fuck you. I ain’t gonna baby talk. It’s not good for their language development.” He’d been reading everything he could on pregnancy and childbirth. It was already starting to drive Shiori crazy—which was half the fun.

Ronin laughed. “But there are diapers, strollers, stuffed animals in your future.”

“Yep.” Knox swigged his beer. “It’s a good thing.”

“I think so too.”

Knox smiled. “Bet Amery’s pregnant sooner rather than later.”

“I’ll admit after the shock wore off I was a little jealous.” He gave Knox a sly look. “Ojisan offered Amery a million bucks if she got pregnant in the next few months.”

“Seriously? Dammit. I knew we should’ve waited to tell him. I could’ve had a cool mil in the bank.” He laughed. “But we’re just so happy about this we couldn’t keep it quiet.”

“I’d be happy if we had a kid in the next year. But Amery’s not ready.” He shrugged. “So we’ll wait until she is.”

They sipped their beer and each got lost in their own thoughts.

After a bit, Ronin said, “That baby is one tough little thing. Surviving a car accident and an MMA fight.”

“Strong, stubborn, and resilient. So I’m betting it’s a girl.”

Ronin laughed and clinked his bottle to Knox’s. “Amen, brother.”

Another bout of silence settled between them. A soft breeze stirred the leaves and carried the scent of freshly mown grass.

“Knox, I gotta ask.”

“About my resignation as dojo GM?”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. But you had to make some hard choices too.” After the Shihan issue—misunderstanding, drama, whatever it was—Ronin opted to bring Beck Leeds back to Black Arts from House of Kenji. So Beck would become Shihan. Again. Knox had always liked the guy, and he’d be a great fit for Sensei Black and the dojo.
