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It’s a fair question, but she should know this. Should’ve been schooled by her mam.

Fucking Martins.

“Did your mother not explain this?”

She gives a derisive laugh. “My mother? Hell no. I found out about my period from my nanny.”

How much does she know? “Do you know… how much about sex do you know?” I’m bracing myself above her on one arm, but my cock’s pressed up to the soft swell of her belly.

She swallows, and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink. “I have friends and the internet, you know.”

“Answer the question.”

“Plenty. I know plenty.”

It’s a moot point. She’ll know soon enough.

“Some women bleed when they lose their virginity,” I tell her. “And we can present sheets. If not, we’ll have our doctor examine you.”

Her eyes fill with horror and her mouth parts open. “No,” she breathes. “No!”

“Aye, lass. ’Tis the only way.”

“It’s hard enough being fucked by a man I hardly know,” she says, and the girl with the iron will’s returned, though there’s a thin thread of fear in her voice she can’t mask. “I won’t consent to be violated by a doctor.”

“He wouldn’t violate you, lass,” I try to say gently, but she’ll hear none of it.

“No,” she says. Then she grits her teeth and meets my gaze unblinking. “Make me bleed.”

Make me bleed. Christ, this woman.

“You may not, though.”

Her hands wrap around the back of my neck, and though her voice shakes, she doesn’t blink. “Do your best.”

I wonder why she balks at the thought of a doctor but not at being fucked to the point of bleeding? Still, I’ve a duty to do. And hell if I’ll start our marriage off with the memory of painful, bloody fucking.

“You’ll enjoy this,” I insist. I’ll be sure she does. To my surprise, she actually laughs.

“Is that a sign of your manhood or something?”

I slap her thigh, and she laughs again. “Or something. Spread your legs, lass.”

Her amusement flees. Her eyes still fixed on me, she obeys. I take the rumpled robe and yank the tie from it before I toss it to the floor. She eyes the tie with fear. I take her wrists and lift them above her head, marveling at the way her gorgeous, pert breasts are on display. I yank the tie and wrap it around her wrists.

She blinks. “Oh, God.”

I smile. “I hope you’ll be screaming my name and not his when you come, but honestly, either will do.”

She whimpers.

I spread her legs, and eye her pretty, bare pussy.

“Good girl,” I approve. “I like you shaved like this.”

She flushes pink again, but doesn’t respond.

“If your pussy tastes as sweet as your mouth, I may never resurface,” I groan, lowering myself to the sweet vee between her thighs.

“Oh, God,” she repeats, and her eyes flutter closed, as if she has to block out the intensity of this moment. Hell, maybe she does. Not me. I want to revel in this.

If I eat her out and make her come, it’ll go easier on her when I fuck her. It should, anyway.

My cock’s a steel rod when I spread her legs and breathe her in. The sweet, feminine musk of her arousal makes me groan. I fall to the floor and bring her to the edge of the bed, draping her legs over my shoulders.

“Cormac,” she protests, trying to lift her hands to stop me, but she isn’t able.


“This is too… no, I can’t... please don’t.”

She’s scared, the wee thing. She ought to be, and I can’t shield her from what we have to do. We don’t know each other. She’s never been fucked. And hell, I’m no boy when it comes to fucking. I’m going to take her, firmly, and present the evidence. But Christ, she can enjoy this part.

“You asked me to make you bleed, sweetheart. That will hurt. Let me prepare you.”

“By—by doing that?” her tear-filled eyes break me a little. She has no idea how enjoyable that can be.

“Have you ever had your pussy licked?” My words come out in a growl I don’t intend.

She’d better answer no.

“Oh God no. Of course not.”

I smile, before I kiss her inner thigh. She jumps like I just pulled the trigger on a gun. Christ, the woman’s so strung up she’s about to snap. It’s time I took control.

“Close your eyes, Aileen.” My voice hardens, issuing a command, and it has the desired effect. She closes her eyes.

“Good girl. Just like that. Now breathe, sweetheart.”

Obediently, she draws in a deep breath, then lets it out again.

“Good girl. Do it again.”

She does.

I get up from my kneeling position and return to her breasts, weighing one in my left hand, while I drag my tongue along the hardened bud of her second breast. I work her nipples, suckling and tugging, then laving again before I go to the second, until she’s writhing beneath me and the scent of her arousal permeates the air.
