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“I know but I remember when I was cool. When I didn’t ask for my son to make me a grandma before my time.” Tate shook her head. “Get out. Get out before I have a meltdown.”

Tabitha grabbed two jackets as she laughed, but stopped, looking back at her mom.

“Mom, do you have any pictures of Lexie pregnant?”

“Of course.”

“Do you have any where she was pregnant with Simon?”

Eva seemed to freeze. Even Tate coughed on her drink.

“Honey, why do you ask?”

“Simon and I were talking. It’s nothing. I’m just curious.”

“Lexie and I didn’t know each other well enough when she had Simon.”

She nodded.

“Have a good night.”

She and Daisy left the house, heading down the yard, where ghoul and ghost sounds came from the trigger sensor.

“That was odd,” Daisy said.


“She referred to Simon as having him, not being pregnant with him.”

“Why is that odd?”

“I don’t know. Don’t you think they acted weirdly?”

“I do. It was strange, wasn’t it?”

“Why do you think they’re behaving that way? Do you think Simon is adopted?” Daisy asked.

“Nah, he looks exactly like Devil. Remember?”


“Lexie can also have a lot of kids. We know, we’ve taken care of half of her population.”

Daisy laughed. “What is with all the secrecy though?”

“Not a clue, but it makes me want to find out.”

“Do you think I should try some hacking?” Daisy asked.

“Well, well, well, you’re in a good mood. It’s about time.”

“Don’t spoil it for me, then. Yes, I’m in a good mood. I am happy.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t like my costume but rather than be pissed about it, I’m going to embrace it.”

“Will you be dancing tonight?” Tabitha asked.

“If you ask.”

“And what if Anthony asks?”

“Don’t. We’re friends. That’s all this will ever be.”

“But if you and Anthony get together, that would put you in Angel’s position.”

“Tabitha, that is going to be your place. You’re the queen here. If Tiny had still been the president of the club, Miles would probably be the first one in line.”

“Don’t forget they have to prove themselves, and my brother isn’t like Anthony. He’s too hot-headed.”

“You and Miles are certainly hot and cold. Did you see the way he looked at Constance?”

“So you can see it in other guys looking at other girls, but not when they’re looking at you?”

“Don’t start. Anthony and I are friends. We’re not going to be anything else. Stop pushing it.”

Tabitha linked arms with her friend. “I will stop for tonight, but one day, you’re going to see just how right I am.”

“Until then, let’s just have a lot of fun.”

“You’re talking about fun. What have you done with my best friend?” Tabitha giggled, resting her head on her shoulder.

“I’ve decided it’s Halloween and I’m going to be taking a personal day off. I’m not going to think. I’m just going to be like every other sixteen-year-old who has finally gotten off grounding.”

“You’re going to drink way too much and make sure our parents wished they never let us out of the house.”

“You’ve got it.”

They both laughed and giggled together. “I love this.”

“Me too,” Daisy said with a sigh.

They got to the edge of the road and they didn’t need to go far as Anthony arrived, complete with the crew. Miles, Simon, and even Michael were all in the back of the truck.

“You’re driving tonight?” Tabitha asked.

Anthony was dressed as a doctor zombie. Her brother looked like a pirate, and Michael just looked the same. She couldn’t see Rachel’s outfit or Markus.

“Get in, sis, come on. Don’t leave us standing around. We’ve got chicks to go find.”

Rolling her eyes, she opened the door. “Doctor’s first,” she said, helping Daisy up into the truck. Her best friend looked like she wanted to say something else. “Fun, remember?”

Daisy climbed up, taking the seat right next to Anthony. She followed inside, closing the door.

“Did you bring any booze?” Tabitha asked.

Miles stuck his head through the window. “Please, we know what our parents are like. Hypocrites to the end. We snuck it into the school.”

Tabitha chuckled.

“Who’s driving tonight?” Daisy asked.

“Don’t worry about a thing. We’ve all got a plan.” Miles patted her arm as if that was in any way offering comfort.

“He knows that freaks me out, right?”

“It’s my brother. Don’t expect anything he does to make any kind of sense.”

They were all laughing, apart from Anthony, who was focused on driving or not irritating Daisy. She didn’t exactly know what. Her cell phone was concealed in one of the secret pockets she was told about. She missed Simon. Most of the Halloweens, he was around to keep her company and she found today was hard for her. She wanted to be with him. Tapping her fingers on the doorframe, she tried to look forward to the party.

It was hard.

“Tonight is going to be kickass!” Miles screamed from the top of his lungs as if the whole world was supposed to hear him.

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