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I’ve got to go. This is so short but I’m hoping to see you soon.

Love you,



Dear Simon,

I don’t know if I want to use the internet to talk. I think I like us writing letters. Daisy said she can set it up for us though if I want to. This seems kind of romantic to me, doesn’t it for you? You’re the only person I write to and I look forward to your letter every single day. I know it’s going to arrive and each time the mailman comes, I’m so happy. I kind of attack him. Of course it means there’s time between. I heard Angel the other day telling someone that distance can make the heart go stronger. My sister Tate says it doesn’t work. I don’t know. She got it to work with Murphy but there’s a lot of stuff between them. There’s so much about the past I don’t know.

How is school? Are you still hanging out with the bully? You told me he was hanging around with you, right? You and him kind of got it tight? I don’t know how you can do it. Be friends with an asshole. Oh, well. Not much is going on here right now. Grandpa Ned is coming to town again. It always makes everyone tense. I like him, but then he always feels guilty as I had that tiny almost-died thing going on. If you could see me, you would see me shrugging. It’s all a little confusing right now, to be honest.

I don’t give a fuck what my parents or the club are doing. It’s their business. Daisy said it is my business but I’m thinking of getting out, you know? Being my own self. I talked to Mom about it, and she said it could be possible. I have dreams, you know, of being away from Fort Wills. Of course I’d want Daisy to come with me, but she seems content with the club life. I don’t know.

I’m starting to feel sad as I write this. Got to go.

Love ya.


Simon age thirteen, Tabitha age twelve

Simon looked out across the lake, feeling a deep sense of calm wash over him. Tabitha was on the blanket, her head resting on his leg as she read one of the books Daisy had given her. The breeze was warm, giving them some reprieve from the sun. It had been a hot summer in Piston County, too hot to enjoy. Simon stroked her hair, pushing it out of her face. Tabitha looked up. “Why are you smiling?”

“No reason. I’m with you, and that makes me happy.”

She put the book down, taking hold of his hand and locking their fingers together. “I love being here with you too.”

“One day soon, I’ll always be here. We’ll always be together.”

She sighed. “I hate seeing you go and I don’t want to leave you. It’s the worst part of our time together.”

With his free hand, he stroked her cheek. “I’m yours, Tabby. I told you that.”

“And I’m yours, Simon. There’s no one else but you. It will always be you.”

“What about when you want to leave?”

She didn’t speak and he looked down at her.

“I don’t think I’ll ever go.”

“You wanted out of the club. To sing?” She had a beautiful singing voice.

“I know it’s what I wanted, but everything changes. I’ve changed. I don’t know what I want anymore. Everything has changed. Let’s not talk about it.”


Dear Simon,

Did you hear? We’ve had to join schools. Yeah, it’s fucking horseshit is what it is. The high school closed and changed location to a larger building and now we’re there with the fucking Monster Dogs MC. They’re a pansy-ass club, and we now have to share it. What kind of shit is that?

Our school is now known as Peacebrook High! Piece of shit. I was supposed to go to Fort Wills High. But not now. Nope. It’s all changed. Sorry, everything is changing. The club, the school, even Daisy. She’s different but I kind of understand the shit she’s going through. Sorry, I’m angry. Really angry.

I miss you.

Also, I’m learning how to fight. Miles is shit and won’t give me lessons. I’m sick of it, and now I’m taking lessons from Anthony. I told him not to treat me like a girl, and guess what, he doesn’t. I mean, he doesn’t hit me hard, and I try to dodge that stuff when I can. He’s tough. I like it. The only way I’m going to survive is if I fight and if I’m better. Their club has girls as well, and let’s just say lines have been drawn. I’ve got no choice. It’s fight or die.

Daisy and I talked about changing schools. Our dads said an all-girls school would be our next option. Yeah, right. Not happening.

Besides, I’m there with the guys and if we make our mark, then it means the others don’t have to. The Skulls always have each other’s back, and I’ve come to realize that what I’ve been missing all of these years is that is exactly who I am. I’m a Skull. The club runs in my blood. Rather than hating it, I should be embracing it and that’s what I’m going to do. Every single step of the way. My guys and my girls. I will have their backs, always.
